I was talking to the former NinedayJane the other night and she said something that I really liked, she said that Im the devil on her shoulder. She and I have the most insanely crude conversations from time to time, the likes of which I wont repeat even here. Im not sure if being her devil is a good thing or a bad thing, but I like being the one whispering do it in her ear.
I havent slept in what seems like days. Ive caught a few hours here and there, but for some reason Ive been running on overdrive. When I do sleep Ive been having the most vivid dreams. Some people say that we only dream in black and white but I dont. I dream in cinematic Technicolor What Dreams May Come style.
Im a very visional person. I had a dream once that had credits at the end. When I told someone this they asked me what the credits said but to be honest I didnt read them. He wondered if my name was listed on ever line. The reason I remember the credits was because I kept rewinding the dream to watch the end again. It was like a movie with an ending that didnt make sense, so you keep re-watching it trying to figure it out. I never did figure what the hell was going on, but if I ever do have another dream with credits Im going to read them.
I dont watch movies, I consume them.
These are the movies Ive watched over the last day and a half. Ive been in a cult/exploitation/whatever kind of mood.
1. The Crazies: The people who made Outbreak ripped of George Romero from this movie.
2. Andy Warhols Blood for Dracula: It was so-so but it had Udo Kier in it.
3. The Loss of Sexual Innocence: I cant describe it. Im not even sure what the fuck it was about.
4. Flesh Gordon: Not Flash, Flesh. In it Flesh, Dale and Dr. Jerkoff face off against the evil Emperor Wang. No its not a porno, just uber campy.
5. Beneath The Valley of the Ultra Vixens: I wanted to rent Faster Pussycat Kill Kill but it was out and the girl at the counter recommended this.
6-7-8. The Cheerleader Trilogy Box set: The Cheerleaders, The Revenge of the Cheerleaders and the Swinging Cheerleaders. This was also on the recommendation of the video clerk girl from above. They are the standard early 1980s teen sex flix. I watched most of the first one and had the other two on as background noise while I made dinner/slept/screwed around on line. I dont think I really missed anything.
9. Fritz the Cat: Over all I liked it but its use of racial stereotyping was really out there.
10. The Abyss: One of my favorite underwater movies.
11.Equilibrium: A Matrix clone type movie that pretty good. I think this is the movie that got Christian Bale the role of Batman. Its worth checking out if you like this kind of action movie.
12. Conquest: A sword and sorcery movie from the 1980s by master gore hound Lucio Fulci. This movie was so ridicules, I spent most of it laughing my ass off. Most of the time you cant tell what the hells going on because they use of much fake fog to establish atmosphere. To paraphrase Tom Servo from MST3K, This movie has more fog than the movie The Fog." As our um heros are lost in the fog they call out to each other. Ilias where are you? Maxz, Im over here! Throughout the movie I participated my yelling out Chief? or Macleod! to the TV. Granted, I was getting a little loopy when I was watching this on but it was funny as hell. Maxz, our hero carries what look like a pair of prehistoric nun chucks that look like theyre made out of the front legs of a white tiger.
All that and Ive still got one more day on the weekend.
Did Adam and Eve poo in the Garden of Eden?
I havent slept in what seems like days. Ive caught a few hours here and there, but for some reason Ive been running on overdrive. When I do sleep Ive been having the most vivid dreams. Some people say that we only dream in black and white but I dont. I dream in cinematic Technicolor What Dreams May Come style.
Im a very visional person. I had a dream once that had credits at the end. When I told someone this they asked me what the credits said but to be honest I didnt read them. He wondered if my name was listed on ever line. The reason I remember the credits was because I kept rewinding the dream to watch the end again. It was like a movie with an ending that didnt make sense, so you keep re-watching it trying to figure it out. I never did figure what the hell was going on, but if I ever do have another dream with credits Im going to read them.
I dont watch movies, I consume them.
These are the movies Ive watched over the last day and a half. Ive been in a cult/exploitation/whatever kind of mood.
1. The Crazies: The people who made Outbreak ripped of George Romero from this movie.
2. Andy Warhols Blood for Dracula: It was so-so but it had Udo Kier in it.
3. The Loss of Sexual Innocence: I cant describe it. Im not even sure what the fuck it was about.
4. Flesh Gordon: Not Flash, Flesh. In it Flesh, Dale and Dr. Jerkoff face off against the evil Emperor Wang. No its not a porno, just uber campy.
5. Beneath The Valley of the Ultra Vixens: I wanted to rent Faster Pussycat Kill Kill but it was out and the girl at the counter recommended this.
6-7-8. The Cheerleader Trilogy Box set: The Cheerleaders, The Revenge of the Cheerleaders and the Swinging Cheerleaders. This was also on the recommendation of the video clerk girl from above. They are the standard early 1980s teen sex flix. I watched most of the first one and had the other two on as background noise while I made dinner/slept/screwed around on line. I dont think I really missed anything.
9. Fritz the Cat: Over all I liked it but its use of racial stereotyping was really out there.
10. The Abyss: One of my favorite underwater movies.
11.Equilibrium: A Matrix clone type movie that pretty good. I think this is the movie that got Christian Bale the role of Batman. Its worth checking out if you like this kind of action movie.
12. Conquest: A sword and sorcery movie from the 1980s by master gore hound Lucio Fulci. This movie was so ridicules, I spent most of it laughing my ass off. Most of the time you cant tell what the hells going on because they use of much fake fog to establish atmosphere. To paraphrase Tom Servo from MST3K, This movie has more fog than the movie The Fog." As our um heros are lost in the fog they call out to each other. Ilias where are you? Maxz, Im over here! Throughout the movie I participated my yelling out Chief? or Macleod! to the TV. Granted, I was getting a little loopy when I was watching this on but it was funny as hell. Maxz, our hero carries what look like a pair of prehistoric nun chucks that look like theyre made out of the front legs of a white tiger.
All that and Ive still got one more day on the weekend.
Did Adam and Eve poo in the Garden of Eden?
I miss Jane.