My blood sugar got all fucked up for several days. I couldnt get it to level out. When it gets like that Im not a nice person to be around. It feels like Im always on the verge of losing my temper. Any little thing annoys the hell out of me. I finally got it back to where it should be. Its been years since Ive had this big of a dip. Its something that I can control with diet and regular eating habits. I was having a few problems last week and just stopped eating like I need to do. All is well now.
Saw Fantastic Four and War of the Worlds, both were cool. Jessica Alba, good Lord, she makes my boy part feel funny.
Saw Fantastic Four and War of the Worlds, both were cool. Jessica Alba, good Lord, she makes my boy part feel funny.
and i so have to see fantastic four yet but i concur war of the worlds was good