wow i should write here more often, I mean I do see this site everyday while i am working. (yea i work form home) Not much to say over then hope this year is better then the last.
As these days here begin to turn colder with a hit of warmth trying to hang on I am brought back to thinking about the coldness of being the type of person I am. I do life my life as best as I can but with a type of darkness to it. The words I could use to describe it are ones that would make...
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thanks for the add!
thanks thanks thanks
So i spent the day doing not alot but cleaning. And then i spent some time on here and found that thee are some of the worlds most beautiful woman on here. And i have also seen that I have found the body type of woman that turns me on the most. The wounder of finding out about one self on here.
So it is warm today and all i can think about is the woman i love and the fact i can not hold her this sec. Life is so fucked up you know. And to be honest looking for someone to hold and be with has to the worse thing in this world.
Not updating well here...might try to do better
So after seeing all the beautiful woman on here jsut makes me sad that i can not be with the one i love and also sad that all i can do is look though the glass and not touch or feel the warm skin next to mine or spend time pleasing the skin
So after seeing all the beautiful woman on here jsut makes me sad that i can not be with the one i love and also sad that all i can do is look though the glass and not touch or feel the warm skin next to mine or spend time pleasing the skin
Was sitting in my room looking at the starts and was wishing that there was a way to fly though the night sky and see the world. And then i saw a pic of the woman i love and sadness filled my heart due to the fact I will never hold her in my arms or kiss her lips again. Then I fill the hole...
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I hope all is well
As much as I wish I would be well. Pain in my heart will not find peace. I live each day knowing that i am not with who I feel I am to be with. But as life must go on I feel I will fall one day and not be able to pick myself up.