Tthere's only one thing I've seen more people trying to sell recently than patriotic merchandise and retrospectives...
And that's self-superior, semi-informed, pseudointellectual, quasianticommercial, contrarian rants which all somehow manage, in a clever and yet brutally honest way, to bravely make points that no 'commentator' has brought up a thousand times already since five minutes after the event.
Nothing has fucking changed. People are still as ignorant as they were 366 days ago. Now they're just more paranoid and more willing to take a bold stance against the slaughter of thousands.
1 2 3 4 we don't want your oil war.....
And that's self-superior, semi-informed, pseudointellectual, quasianticommercial, contrarian rants which all somehow manage, in a clever and yet brutally honest way, to bravely make points that no 'commentator' has brought up a thousand times already since five minutes after the event.
Nothing has fucking changed. People are still as ignorant as they were 366 days ago. Now they're just more paranoid and more willing to take a bold stance against the slaughter of thousands.
1 2 3 4 we don't want your oil war.....
excellent. Most excellent.
It really really is Dia.