I am going to try to start using this more because I took down my facebook.

A lot has changed since my last update but that was 8 years ago.

I am now 28
A homeowner
and resident of east atlanta.

I work two jobs and go to school. Loving life and trying to keep things moving forward.

Hope everyone is well here in the...
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everything is going well in adamville I guess(I'm never too sure of anything). I broke up with my girlfriend but we still see each other everyday basically so its not really like "broken up". Its weird.

I still work/goto school.

Anyways, I'm alive.

I love you! Thank you for the Dishwasher thread! kiss
Finished the book a few days ago and was so sad to let it go. Have you checked out his site? Apparently we might still be able to get copies of the #16 zine.

Now I'm off to read Waiter Rant next- tales of a disgruntled waiter. I know it won't be as good, but what can you do.