It's funny how even though the culture has now "accepted" skateboarding as a "sport" we are still viewed as misfits. I went to the Pool to check out what they did to it. Well it's fucked up they destroyed the flat bottom and had a thing in the paper about it. Well they got every thing worng and when a few of us called to try to explain and Voice our side they didn't want to listen. any ways if you want to really read more about it look for in here in the news Sec here i'll be postin it soon.
Well other then beeing
about that i'm going good as I hope you all are as well I begin School in about a month and i'm looking forward to that
I'm not on the other hand looking forward to handing out more money but you got to do what you got to do right. I'm not sure what i'll really get out of it all I'm not going for the reasons i see most of the ppl i know are going. For me it's so I don't have to work as much so I can skate more not to make better $$. I don't know i've never really been the type to care how much i make as long has I have what i want in life and I'm a pretty simple guy so I don't need much to get by. Dam well i'm rambleing now so I'll spare few that do read this and end it now. Take care and Peace to the Penguins.
Well other then beeing