Well I would have tommrow off of work but the bosses feel that i'm to valued as a worker to do this for me. I would be helpin a friend with a Spag dinner he's doing for his church so he can go build a church some were in south america. Insted I'll be workin at the OG cause they want to more or less give me the shaft. They said if I came up with a way to get me off with out havein a week line I could have it off. Well I did just that and now they say I would have to find one more person to work cause this one lady isn't workin that day, or so they say. If I go in tommrow and she's workin i'm going to be pissed. Well I guess theres not much else I can do but bend over and take it. Well i'm done venting
On a lighter note the Shop video came out "Hate On This" it's ok but the next video will be a lot better. Hope everyone in SGland is havein a good day and on that I'll bid you all goodbye

On a lighter note the Shop video came out "Hate On This" it's ok but the next video will be a lot better. Hope everyone in SGland is havein a good day and on that I'll bid you all goodbye

i hope you like the eos-3...its one hell of a camera

oh yeah, make sure you get the power booster for it too...7 frames a second so even if its on servo, youll still be at 5 frames a sec or so