Okay. Wow. What a week. So my birthday was great. Thistle and I had dinner with my dad and my stepmom and my nephew and niece. We ate at the crows nest. DEE-licious food. This was after coming back from LA looking for apartements and such, which was a complete faliure. Luckily our spirits were saved when we picked up JJ..We cruised around the valley a bit and downn to venice beach. Then we spotted Owen Wilson in a toyota prius. Then I asked him how his GPS in his car was working for him. And in true owen wilson fashion he said " oh yeah, its grrreat." We laughed. Day after my birthday I drove down with friends to SOCAL FEST. It was pretty damn fun. Hanging out with the bros and drinking and doing tons of drugs that kept me up for 36 hours. Wheew. Yesterday I slept for a solid 16 hours without waking up. I feel better today.
How I feel today:
i play too hard when i ought to go to sleep they pick on me because i really got the beat some people give me the creeps every other week i need a new address landlord landlord landlord cleaning up the mess our whole fucking life is a wreck we're deperate get used to it its kiss or kill coca-cola and a motorola kitchen nauga-hyde and a tie-dye t-shirt last night everything broke !
How I feel today:
i play too hard when i ought to go to sleep they pick on me because i really got the beat some people give me the creeps every other week i need a new address landlord landlord landlord cleaning up the mess our whole fucking life is a wreck we're deperate get used to it its kiss or kill coca-cola and a motorola kitchen nauga-hyde and a tie-dye t-shirt last night everything broke !

Furnace crap..the music editor was apparently
stunnedyou weren't aware of them.
Don't worry, you're not missing much. How
was the Socal Fest this year..meant to go
but something else arose.