So my car got stolen in oakland yesterday. I only have liability so I wont get anything from insurance. Fuck. Well time to go get some tattoos seeing as I dont have any car stuff to pay for. . . .
edit: ok so it was recovered. With nothing left inside but my sabbath tape, a punk tape, a municpal waste tape, my bruce dickenson teen pinup button and my gas can. I hate theiving mother fuckers. nothing I hate more in this world than theives. Atleast they caught the guy. Im going to try to sue him. Though he probably has no money seeing as he stole my shitbox of a car.
oh yeah and thistle and I saw the car up close and very personal , that was involved in This incicdent. SOOO much blood EVERYWHERE in the car, it was actually really shocking. I mean, ive seen blood but man, was this the real deal or what. Bullet holes. Lots of bullet holes.
edit: ok so it was recovered. With nothing left inside but my sabbath tape, a punk tape, a municpal waste tape, my bruce dickenson teen pinup button and my gas can. I hate theiving mother fuckers. nothing I hate more in this world than theives. Atleast they caught the guy. Im going to try to sue him. Though he probably has no money seeing as he stole my shitbox of a car.
oh yeah and thistle and I saw the car up close and very personal , that was involved in This incicdent. SOOO much blood EVERYWHERE in the car, it was actually really shocking. I mean, ive seen blood but man, was this the real deal or what. Bullet holes. Lots of bullet holes.
n as for the car which was in the incident all i can say is