I always forget how much I love cradle of filth until I put on cruelty and the beast.
This weekend was crazy. Started friday night, the lady and I ventured downtown from out new nearby garage house cave thing. Went to pergolesi's and realized the observers were playing !!! I was stoked. Clorox girls played too. then down to the red room. Had a couple drinks, went home . Woke up, went to work. Work wasnt bad I guess. Cali pets is definitly losing buisness. The saturday numbers keep declining. Left for oakland at 6 30 pm. Arrived 7 30. Pick up laura in berkeley 940 pm. Go to gilman st. get in free (thanks izzy) 10:00. Leave gilman 11pm. Arrive at a warehouse in buttfuck oakland , like out by the docks . marchellos band played, tons of santa cruz kids were there. TONS. Went back to kims warehouse where there was this hugantic party /bands dj// upstairs /dowsnstairs/ speak easy going on. Got fucking trrashed. Passed out late late. Got up early early, went to emerryvillle mall for a short while. Got picked up by lisa , marchello and hilary and went to the oakland swat meet. It was cool I picked up a copy of I spit on your grave.
Then we all went to the zeitgeist around 3 pm. Had long island ice teas in the middle of the sun. And some beers, went down to can-cun on mission and got burriots, met up with the rest of the band dudes an dudettes. Got some colt 45 pintcans. Ventured to warm water cove, this gross park on the shore of the bay, near some factories and other things , like the worlds largest bum toilet.
We waited a while for the generator to show up , so the bands could play. Then I decided it would be cool to go on an adventure. so we went around this little pathway shimmy to what we prclaimed " point badass." fisnished off our colt 45's and hit the vodka .By this point it was atleast 5 or 6 o clock. We were really shit hammered. I remember throwing rocks at some windows of an abandoned factory. That was fun . The bands played in a blur. Marchello and I through a pallet into the water and it floated way out , and we could see that some segull had landed on it. and we thought if we could float that pallet way out there, that we should have a viking burial on the water. Like set a fire on a pallet and send it out into the bay. Alas we drunkenly couldnt find anymore pallets , so we settled for burrning a grateful dead shirt in the bonfire. I hate the grateful dead.
This weekend was crazy. Started friday night, the lady and I ventured downtown from out new nearby garage house cave thing. Went to pergolesi's and realized the observers were playing !!! I was stoked. Clorox girls played too. then down to the red room. Had a couple drinks, went home . Woke up, went to work. Work wasnt bad I guess. Cali pets is definitly losing buisness. The saturday numbers keep declining. Left for oakland at 6 30 pm. Arrived 7 30. Pick up laura in berkeley 940 pm. Go to gilman st. get in free (thanks izzy) 10:00. Leave gilman 11pm. Arrive at a warehouse in buttfuck oakland , like out by the docks . marchellos band played, tons of santa cruz kids were there. TONS. Went back to kims warehouse where there was this hugantic party /bands dj// upstairs /dowsnstairs/ speak easy going on. Got fucking trrashed. Passed out late late. Got up early early, went to emerryvillle mall for a short while. Got picked up by lisa , marchello and hilary and went to the oakland swat meet. It was cool I picked up a copy of I spit on your grave.
Then we all went to the zeitgeist around 3 pm. Had long island ice teas in the middle of the sun. And some beers, went down to can-cun on mission and got burriots, met up with the rest of the band dudes an dudettes. Got some colt 45 pintcans. Ventured to warm water cove, this gross park on the shore of the bay, near some factories and other things , like the worlds largest bum toilet.
We waited a while for the generator to show up , so the bands could play. Then I decided it would be cool to go on an adventure. so we went around this little pathway shimmy to what we prclaimed " point badass." fisnished off our colt 45's and hit the vodka .By this point it was atleast 5 or 6 o clock. We were really shit hammered. I remember throwing rocks at some windows of an abandoned factory. That was fun . The bands played in a blur. Marchello and I through a pallet into the water and it floated way out , and we could see that some segull had landed on it. and we thought if we could float that pallet way out there, that we should have a viking burial on the water. Like set a fire on a pallet and send it out into the bay. Alas we drunkenly couldnt find anymore pallets , so we settled for burrning a grateful dead shirt in the bonfire. I hate the grateful dead.

When you get back to L.A. get a hold of me I haven't seen you forever there brotherman,
You take care. Maybe soon I can get up to the bay area, and we can go and pillage record stores.
You take care guy. Late...
Just trying to see if I could type that with a straight face.