so yeah. Lots has been happening. NOt a lot of updating. Im transfering to a different store with better managment,and cool fucking people. Im moving out of this shity hippie hole and in with some cool fucking people. Going out thursday for Thistles birthday. Sushi ! and party ! ITs raining today and I love it. Hopefully the storm will knock the power out at my job. The list for "power tunes vol.2" is almost complete. Im going to see slayer and mastodon in L.A. and youre not. Booya. oh and adolescents is saturday AND sunday !!! what a great weekend ahead. Today is good.

yeah! i love them... no, i havn't come across many people that have heard of them either...
Yeah, I'll be in the store both Friday and Saturday and I will be done with finals and school. Let me know what night Slayer is on, and the other night we can hang. Let me know.