Ok, so last night my friend fixedordie and I were leaving a party when 10 dudes rolled up to my car and beat the shit out of fixedordie. They wanted him because of some shit that happened 8 months ago. I managed to hold off a few of them with a tire iron (which they stole from me,fuckers) and the other 3 kicked him on the ground. so I got everyone backed off, and this kid kept sticking his hand under his hoodie like he was strapped or something, and they kept saying put the tire iron down or we'll fuck you up. So stupidly i put it down and they tossed it away. I was glad about that, but this meant mabey I had to fist fight 10 guys or get fucking shot. Some guy came out and was going to call the cops so they scattered like a bunch of fucking rabbits. Fuck, I should have just thumped one of those fuckers. But circumstances being as they were, I would have been in jail right now.On top of everything else, I have my bestfriend pissed off at me, my girlfriend pissed off at me. And I dont know what I did to pissofff either one of them. I kind of just feel in the middle of them. This shit happens to me all the fucking time. Everything just hits the fan all at once. In one day, one fucking hour. I'm fucking over it.
I'm an SC local
Holy fuck, man... where the hell did you pull a tire iron from? And why is everyone mad at you? Too much drama for me to handle, dude.