As a new member of SG, I'm still getting a feel for all the features of the site. I've known about SG for many years; when the site was first published, they would show up at metal and hardcore festivals around the Northeast U.S. and staff a merch / promo booth alongside those of the bands. They may still do this, but -- unfortunately -- it's been too many years since I last attended a music festival.
So, I've known for a long time about the beautiful women of SG. What I didn't realize until I joined is how strong they're represented in Chile. Just as importantly, my eyes have now been opened to the beautiful Chilean women who represent their country on the site. They are too many to name, but include personal favorites of mine like @lith, @fay_, @mille, @minerva, @ilanna, @jvra, @sibila, and @porcelinna. If you haven't seen their profiles, you need to check them out now!