So yesterday was nothing special. I hung out with my boyfriend just like I do every Sunday.
My mother called, and made me cry. I swear she tries to think up anything that will make me feel bad before she calls. Im just glad this time she didn't call to tell me she was about to kill herself again. A few hours later my grandmother...
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My mother called, and made me cry. I swear she tries to think up anything that will make me feel bad before she calls. Im just glad this time she didn't call to tell me she was about to kill herself again. A few hours later my grandmother...
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Lol Im finally 18
Lol Im finally 18

happy birthday.
Hey everyone!
So dinner the other night.. It was about as good as it can get with a bunch of family I don't like, my favorite aunt was practically in tears because she had a bad break up the night before, the food I didn't get to pick from the wrong restaurant, some guy I didn't know that kept talking about his kids, and my...
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So dinner the other night.. It was about as good as it can get with a bunch of family I don't like, my favorite aunt was practically in tears because she had a bad break up the night before, the food I didn't get to pick from the wrong restaurant, some guy I didn't know that kept talking about his kids, and my...
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After your set goes up and we vote you pink maybe you can make something out of this for money
i just meant if you go SG you may get to tour like some of the girls
I love my boyfriend.
He's my little vicking man <3
We're having dinner with my family tonight to celebrate my birthday, it shouldn't be too bad. Maybe i'll get some birthday presents this year, but i doubt it.
Anyways I'll let you all know how it went later.

We're having dinner with my family tonight to celebrate my birthday, it shouldn't be too bad. Maybe i'll get some birthday presents this year, but i doubt it.
Anyways I'll let you all know how it went later.

I think of my body like a "female" because for the simple fact all guys do.
It's nothing gender associated. Some of us however judge ourselves, based on how attractive our female options are, and by how the females we find most attractive would see us.....
Ya dig
Anyway Enjoy the birthday dinner.

Ya dig

Anyway Enjoy the birthday dinner.
hey now i can say happy birthday
have a good one
have a good one
I wish I was fat so I'd have better boobs, Or skinny so I'd have a better stomach. But instead I'm right in between, with little boobs and love handles.
Hahaha you're retarded. Fat chicks have sloppy boobs generally. You have nice breasts and a nice face. I'm also terribly certain you aren't an A cup so you can stop that with the small crap
Also at least its only a little tummy. I have to empathize I mean I'm bone thin waiferlicious, but seem flabby to me as hell in actual makeup. So only with the clothes on does it look nice, and only from the neck down.
With my face you'd think I could have gotten an imposing physique.... or a much nicer facial structuring. *growl*
Anyway. Long rant is long. Shaddup. Go do your bf so someone gets some today

Also at least its only a little tummy. I have to empathize I mean I'm bone thin waiferlicious, but seem flabby to me as hell in actual makeup. So only with the clothes on does it look nice, and only from the neck down.
With my face you'd think I could have gotten an imposing physique.... or a much nicer facial structuring. *growl*
Anyway. Long rant is long. Shaddup. Go do your bf so someone gets some today

Were all our worst critic,you look great. If you decide to be a hopeful someday well show you by voting you SG
Good morning everyone, I wish I could be in chat with you!
Still waiting for David to fix the computer, so I'm stuck on the wii internet possibly for another week or more.
I also still need 90 dollars for that Kholes bullshit, I only have 3 days left to get it so Im pretty screwed. I am NEVER going to be a good friend...
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Still waiting for David to fix the computer, so I'm stuck on the wii internet possibly for another week or more.
I also still need 90 dollars for that Kholes bullshit, I only have 3 days left to get it so Im pretty screwed. I am NEVER going to be a good friend...
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hope what I sent helped a little, its about what I can afford since I had to go to the doctor for my back.
Hey sg!
Im still using the wii for now but im pretty sure david is going to get the part to fix the computer today!!!
im getting better at typing with this thing now though haha oh well.
I've picked out some pictures for the tattoo i want to get on my upper back but sadly i can't copy pasta the links so you'll have...
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Im still using the wii for now but im pretty sure david is going to get the part to fix the computer today!!!

I've picked out some pictures for the tattoo i want to get on my upper back but sadly i can't copy pasta the links so you'll have...
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I'm a history nut, June 6th was D-Day. One of my high school teachers was a D-Day vet, and it also happened to be his Bday
I doubt it highly....
If I recall correctly, it's someone who's a bit of a hippy herself, and very ANTI trendy so.

If I recall correctly, it's someone who's a bit of a hippy herself, and very ANTI trendy so.

So i discovered the wii internet channel today. Not that i didn't know it existed but its never worked before. Im ducking awful at typing on this thing... I have it on the typing mode that looks like a phone, that makes it a little easier. Except this kind of typing assumes i would say something stupid like ducking. lets see what else i cant...
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haha sweet, I need to play with my wii a bit more. lol to great censorship 

the kind of funk that your keyboard would allow... okay--off to close the show... have a wonderful weekend!
Heyy everyone, Just so you know I dont currently have access to a computer... Im at the library right now.
So I wont be on too much, until Im not sure when.
Dont worry, nothing bad happened, the computer finally just broke. It wont even turn on now, we press the button and NOTHING happens.
It could even be later today that we get it...
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So I wont be on too much, until Im not sure when.
Dont worry, nothing bad happened, the computer finally just broke. It wont even turn on now, we press the button and NOTHING happens.
It could even be later today that we get it...
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good luck
Miss you too
Hope you get up and running again soon!

I was finally able to send you something. Have been sick, not quite over it yet but I am well enough to get back on the computer. Its not a whole lot but I hope it helps and that it is in time.
Lol yeah I noticed that. It's kind of funny 

hahaha no no he's not my teacher lol "Mr. Freeman" is a secret code name for my guy that Sirkka came up with because he looks like Gordon Freeman from Half Life XD The reason for it being a secret is that he's going through a divorce and doesn't want to provoke (ex)wife into taking everything he has, but it turns out that she was going through a eerily similar situation. Me and Mr. Freeman have had extremely strong feelings for each other for a looong time but never acted on them because I was with someone and he was engaged. It turns out that she was having feelings for one of his friends but for the same reasons never acted on them. Well now everyone is pursuing who they want and everyone is happies! Sorry if that was confusing lol XD
Wow, srsly? lol
happy birthday!!!

Sad times hun...
Still whoop for Florida!