Well, I was going to take some new SB pictures tonite, but that looks like a bust.
A) My housemates will NOT go to bed and I don't feel comfortable gettin' all nekkid with them wandering about.
B) I'm not feeling too sassy today and one can't force these things, can one?
C) Fed-ex failed to deliver my brand-new giant transplant cock.... Again!
So, instead...
How about a Break-up Safety Tip? Good.
Pastor L'Idiot's Break-Up Safety Tip: Number Super Useful.
You know, a lot of folks google someone's name after they start dating... just to see, ya know? Well, I say, No Way!
Instead of a search engine, I Mapquest 'em.
I just start with my city, and then Mapquest my future ex-girlfriend's last name within it.
After a break-up, other than "Total Eclipse of the Heart" suddenly playing on EVERY radio station on the planet 24 whisky-soaked hours a day, nothing does more blind-siding, surprise damage to me than driving past street signs that share my ex's name. You never really think about how many 'Hemlock' Streets (Carrie), or 'Dunninger' Courts (Amy) or '3000' Places (Cherry) there are, until you've dated and been dessicated by one.
For extra safety, avoid dating anyone named after a president or a species of plant!
If you want to go one step farther, try Google-earth. The nausea-inducing zooming in and out can really give you an idea what the aftermath will be like before you get there, so you'll know in advance if you can handle it.
Okay. That was stupid. And yet, not profound, in any way.
Geek movie trivia quote (at firemonkey's request):
"Maybe you want to put some shorts on... if you want to keep... fighting crime... today."
Hint for me and me alone: I would drop my whole life if this brilliantly funny woman came to my door... Even if she had a religious pamphlet, and there wasn't that whole 'restraining order' thing. (But, no, it ISN'T voxless, although I have a sneaking suspicion she has spoken this quote before.)
Love you all.
A) My housemates will NOT go to bed and I don't feel comfortable gettin' all nekkid with them wandering about.
B) I'm not feeling too sassy today and one can't force these things, can one?
C) Fed-ex failed to deliver my brand-new giant transplant cock.... Again!
So, instead...
How about a Break-up Safety Tip? Good.
Pastor L'Idiot's Break-Up Safety Tip: Number Super Useful.
You know, a lot of folks google someone's name after they start dating... just to see, ya know? Well, I say, No Way!
Instead of a search engine, I Mapquest 'em.
I just start with my city, and then Mapquest my future ex-girlfriend's last name within it.
After a break-up, other than "Total Eclipse of the Heart" suddenly playing on EVERY radio station on the planet 24 whisky-soaked hours a day, nothing does more blind-siding, surprise damage to me than driving past street signs that share my ex's name. You never really think about how many 'Hemlock' Streets (Carrie), or 'Dunninger' Courts (Amy) or '3000' Places (Cherry) there are, until you've dated and been dessicated by one.
For extra safety, avoid dating anyone named after a president or a species of plant!
If you want to go one step farther, try Google-earth. The nausea-inducing zooming in and out can really give you an idea what the aftermath will be like before you get there, so you'll know in advance if you can handle it.
Okay. That was stupid. And yet, not profound, in any way.
Geek movie trivia quote (at firemonkey's request):
"Maybe you want to put some shorts on... if you want to keep... fighting crime... today."
Hint for me and me alone: I would drop my whole life if this brilliantly funny woman came to my door... Even if she had a religious pamphlet, and there wasn't that whole 'restraining order' thing. (But, no, it ISN'T voxless, although I have a sneaking suspicion she has spoken this quote before.)
Love you all.
Off to map quest some old "friends"!