Well, a couple of my friends here seem to have woken up on the right side of the bed. Me, i don't know. Sure, it's a nice day and all but i offer up this caveat:
There is a glitch in the Matrix.
I walked out to the porch with my coffee and breakast smoke and saw an old man across the street. He had a cane and took every step with slow, shakey caution. He stopped, turned and looked back at the house. It was about 4 paces and that process from beginning to end took my entire cigarette to accomplish. Twenty minutes later, with another cup o' joe, i sat down outside again and the same exact thing happened. Not a similar thing. The EXACT thing. Same walk, same pause, same turn.
Now here's the thing that's really gonna bake your noodle...
If that old-timer had looked over my way, he would have seen me repeat a moment in time as well. In other words, both he and I arrived, left and arrived again in each others' space to live the same moment in time twice.
Does this bode well or ill? If ill, is this 'ill' bad or is it that Beastie Boys kind of 'ill', which is good?
Only time will tell...
Bonus Question:
Message me (not comment, cuz then other people can accidentally cheat!) with the movie that this obscure quote comes from and get my unconditional love.
"I love my dead gay son!"
Thirty-somethings, this is for you!
[Addendum: And the first person to recieve my unconditional love is Voxless for her correct response. This pleases me and i will reward all and grant a good harvest to both the righteous and the unrighteous alike!]
There is a glitch in the Matrix.
I walked out to the porch with my coffee and breakast smoke and saw an old man across the street. He had a cane and took every step with slow, shakey caution. He stopped, turned and looked back at the house. It was about 4 paces and that process from beginning to end took my entire cigarette to accomplish. Twenty minutes later, with another cup o' joe, i sat down outside again and the same exact thing happened. Not a similar thing. The EXACT thing. Same walk, same pause, same turn.
Now here's the thing that's really gonna bake your noodle...
If that old-timer had looked over my way, he would have seen me repeat a moment in time as well. In other words, both he and I arrived, left and arrived again in each others' space to live the same moment in time twice.
Does this bode well or ill? If ill, is this 'ill' bad or is it that Beastie Boys kind of 'ill', which is good?
Only time will tell...
Bonus Question:
Message me (not comment, cuz then other people can accidentally cheat!) with the movie that this obscure quote comes from and get my unconditional love.
"I love my dead gay son!"
Thirty-somethings, this is for you!
[Addendum: And the first person to recieve my unconditional love is Voxless for her correct response. This pleases me and i will reward all and grant a good harvest to both the righteous and the unrighteous alike!]
"Oh, here's a tip: when ever i think about the cold, i try to just convert the temperature to kelvin. makes me think it's warmer!"
Brilliant. I hate to use these abreviation things but literally LOL. I'm going to remember that myself, whenever I'm chilly
Not the first time your words have made me smile.
Well, guess who's back to being annoyingly chirpy? Even though I've just found out I'm with the worst bank for customer relations ever, this morning has started off well. Got into work, checked e-mails and had a laugh, best way to start at day, especially friday.
So, you got fun plans for this last weekend of February?
Oh, and thanks for pointing Danaddict in my direction, seems a nice lady