Well, dawn is here and I feel a little like Dante waking on Easter morning to behold the sunrise. But, now, comes the strange transition from famine to feast. My friends and I are still dancing around each other, but the music is changing. Where we were Morris dancing for so long, we are falling quickly into the steps of the Tango. So odd, the...
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This browser doesn't want to let me see half the page when I'm editing for some reason. Just wanted to add, working on Harry Potter at the moment, drawing to an end soon though.
Wow, I wish my life was as exciting as that right now. I'm trying...i have a show on saturday, maybe I'll meet someone there...? i can hope!
You write beautifully sir.
peace and happy voodoo...
So many faces of fear!

I had just confronted and worked through the very real fear that if I moved to New Orleans and stood tall against the flood-waters of violence that are rising there, then I could lose my life. I beat that. It took a lot, but I did it. And, dammit if it wasn't crystal clear, as soon as I welcomed that...
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Love Ani Difranco.

Yeah Absinthe and Titus is good. Absinthe and The Rocky Horror Picture Show is better. I'll be hitting the clubs here and all of sudden I'm singing "I'm just 7 hours old. Truely beautiful to behold. And somebody should be told. My libido hasn't been controlled" and I have people singing with me. Crazy stuff! eeek
My sweet Love

...why don't we go halfsies on Tunetown? Idols, sculptures, Flowers and Weeds....it is small, it is "connected"...and WE are Family. It is worth consideration.

I Love You,

Well, I was going to take some new SB pictures tonite, but that looks like a bust.

A) My housemates will NOT go to bed and I don't feel comfortable gettin' all nekkid with them wandering about.

B) I'm not feeling too sassy today and one can't force these things, can one?

C) Fed-ex failed to deliver my brand-new giant transplant cock.... Again!

So, instead......
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I know the quote and the lady you speak of, but I've not yet uttered that phrase. Although I can think of at least two occasions where I should have wink

Off to map quest some old "friends"!
you guys are so cool!
A few years back, I stopped picking flowers. For most of my life, if I happened upon some miracle of life, pushing its way thru the cracks in a sidewalk or somehow flourishing bright and beautiful in the center of a sandy void, I would pluck it and give it away. I'd say, "I found this amazing thing. It's one of a kind. I want...
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Never sure where to post a reply to my post, so I'm putting it here.
Thanks for the wise words. I have to say, by the cold, well, rather lovely light sunny morning of the following day, I don't think it went as badly as I may have thought. She actually sent me a text to say thanks for a lovely evening, and she'll be in contact on her return from holiday, so, we'll see.
I'd put money on me stumbling up that particular conversational molehill again though wink
I am, occasionally, to subtle, what brick is to glass. But, as you say, I am a BAD ASS brick!


which reminds me, where is the odd movie quote quizz gone, I liked.
Thank you! confused For the kind words AND the monkey! ooo aaa

I love this entry, very beautifully written. And you look familiar in that second picture! Do you/have you worked a travelling Renn Fest?
The Capitalist Nature of Relationships.

Where do you shop for Love? Are you a Mal-Wart wanderer or a chic boutique shopper? Both have their down and upsides, and we will look at those today.

The retail chains of romance offer much for the one-stop shopper. There are aisles and aisles of almost identical relationships available and they are at a huge discount. Look out for...
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You are wonderful!

Noah: Would you just stay with me?
Allie: Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fightin'
Noah: Well that's what we do, we fight... You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.
Allie: So what?
Noah: So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out.

i miss loving someone that much
you are so funny and cool and smart
Jesus, I type a lotta babble!... Why didn't someone tell me?!

p.s. You rule!
Maybe because we happen to be fond of your babble? kiss kiss wink
i like your babble...i'm getting round to replying honest...my brain is just dead right now so i think im probably going to get up tomorow and reply =) xxx
Sisters, Brothers, Lovers---

I listen a lot. Almost as much as I talk. Most of that earspace goes to those suffering from the pain that relationships can be. Very often I hear something like this:

"I just want one lover. How hard is that? Someone who needs me, who can't live without me. Someone who will be there forever."

I note this because of what...
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You know something I don't? That seems to happen quite often in my world wink
hello there, just wanted to say nice photoset! super cute, my fav is # 13 wink
Nothing deep. Just my day....

Things were interesting today. It was sprinkled with events good and bad alike, but all were linked by a common theme: manifestation. i helped conjure these things.

It has been 8 months exactly since my most powerful romantic relationship shifted into a great limbo that I don't know if it will ever emerge from. It is also the anniversary of...
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((((HUG))))) I agree with BumblBee...you are a romantic....and incredibly well written, and I'd give lots to get a chance to meet you someday smile
Happy Crush!! kiss kiss
awww thats incredibly sweet =) so d'ya think you'll be seeing her again soon?

thanks for the advice...i agree...i think its the former case unfortunately but i cant sort anything if he avoids me so...well...i guess its a case of leave and let lie =)

so....how are you today?
The Air is Thinner On the High Road

Today, I want to talk about honesty. Specifically, its hazards. We all know that sometimes honesty hurts those on the receiving end. That is simply a danger and those with consciences spend at least a little time trying to balance the need to be truthful with the need for compassion. But there are a couple other problems...
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The trivia has me stumped...again.... you can tell that I have missed a great many movies smile I got to see the ones I really wanted to though wink

As for the post.... interesting and thought provoking as usual.
One question...If lies and truths are both just words with different intentions...what are omissions? Are they worse lies or better than lies of words?
Just my little thought for today....
i am just sadistic enough (or masochistic enough) to prefer the very very painful kind of brutal honesty...

and so i NEVER say... "trust me."
Well, a couple of my friends here seem to have woken up on the right side of the bed. Me, i don't know. Sure, it's a nice day and all but i offer up this caveat:

There is a glitch in the Matrix.

I walked out to the porch with my coffee and breakast smoke and saw an old man across the street. He had...
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Ha-ha, just read your comment to Mother chaos
"Oh, here's a tip: when ever i think about the cold, i try to just convert the temperature to kelvin. makes me think it's warmer!"
Brilliant. I hate to use these abreviation things but literally LOL. I'm going to remember that myself, whenever I'm chilly biggrin
Not the first time your words have made me smile.
Thankyou, even if I am a cheat. And I promise I'll have fun this weekend. Think I'm seeing a friend tomorrow, swapping roles, I'm having a girly evening in, she's having a blokey evening, so she'll be playing playstation and drinking beer, and I'll be doing my nails, or something. Having not had many girly nights in, I've only got episodes of friends as reference points.
Well, guess who's back to being annoyingly chirpy? Even though I've just found out I'm with the worst bank for customer relations ever, this morning has started off well. Got into work, checked e-mails and had a laugh, best way to start at day, especially friday.
So, you got fun plans for this last weekend of February?
Oh, and thanks for pointing Danaddict in my direction, seems a nice lady smile
So, in the absence of a cohesive post, here are some random thoughts that i've had since yesterday...

1) I wonder if Jesus ever had a 'fat' day.
2) Wow. I guess I am pretty cute.
3) Hey, I'm not too bad to look at.
4) God! I'm hideous!
5) You want to see my ID? Sure, i'll take that as a compliment!
6) uh-oh....
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Oh no, who told about my globetrotting? I'm obviously not mysterious enough anymore and need to get back to work on that.

12 reminds me that my brithday is coming up and 17 will be half my age. Although that is remedied by the fact that I still get hit on by 21 - 25 yr olds that think I am 26/27.
Most definitely yes to numbers 2,3,5,8 and 11. Especially 2 and 3, which I tell myself while looking in the mirror each day before work. Never more than 30 minutes though. That would be narcissistic. biggrin
well, i did it... i'm naked on the internet. i'm still twitchy from the nerves, but i guess it wasn't as scary as it could have been. i kinda like 'em, i'm kinda proud. i'm telling you, so i guess i must be.

it's in the suicide boys group...

be nice to me...

thank you thank you thank you!

truth beauty freedom love

by the...
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I have found that, as an adult, I am never more dorky and awkward than when I am trying to make friends. Oh, for the days of elementary school when you met your new best friend by offering Hubba Bubba.

Heh. And thanks for the props. Mind you, trying to graciously accept a compliment is the second-most awkward and dorky occassion in adultivity. There are no winners in this game. wink
Hello friend biggrin