So I was talking to mocha and my other friend Emma over the course of last night and today, whining about not knowing what to do over this decision I have been mulling over whether to leave New York for a job in Baton Rouge. I was talking to them and had the biggest stupid grin on my face thinking about how happy New Orleans makes me, and realized the answer is obvious. New York is a beautiful place, I have met some wonderful people and have had some good adventure here, and it sure beats the pants off of Los Angeles any day. But I certainly wasn't giddy and excited about coming back from California to New York this past weekend. It was more of a feeling of back to the grind, albeit to my cakewalk of a job, with my own office and a view and my classy St Marks Apartment. The clout those give me are of course high and beautiful, but whats the point of touting around silly facts like that when you know you aren't happy about it? Living such a fake life just wears you down. So back down south I go to the land of spice and booze. GIN AND JUICE MUTHAFUCKA!
here is what really kicked the decision making process in ze balls...
here is what really kicked the decision making process in ze balls...

and the attic sounds good, now i just need to find a worthy photographer...