Ahhhh...Sunday afternoons
I have a love hate relationship with Sundays. On the one hand they are the second day of my weekend. I am relaxed and can enjoy the lazy afternoons. On the other hand they are the last day of my weekend, and that always taints everything I want to do.
We should all work only 4 days a week and have 3 days off, thats a much better idea.
I once had a schedule where I had 4 days on 3 days off, then 3 days on 4 days off. It was cool except the days off were through the normal week and my wife had weekends off, made for us not seeing enough of each other.
Question of the day:
What would be your ultimate job and what kind of schedule would you keep?

I have a love hate relationship with Sundays. On the one hand they are the second day of my weekend. I am relaxed and can enjoy the lazy afternoons. On the other hand they are the last day of my weekend, and that always taints everything I want to do.
We should all work only 4 days a week and have 3 days off, thats a much better idea.
I once had a schedule where I had 4 days on 3 days off, then 3 days on 4 days off. It was cool except the days off were through the normal week and my wife had weekends off, made for us not seeing enough of each other.
Question of the day:
What would be your ultimate job and what kind of schedule would you keep?
Owning my own Jazz club. My hours would be From 6:00pm till 3:00am. Of course I know it would be more like 5:00pm till 4 or 5:00am but that's the cost of having your own place.
i would be a hot ninja spy and work whenever i wanted...and get paid oodles of money