Ok I was tapped for the 20 random questions. I guess I should have written this post earlier but ah well.
20. I always leave my chat program on just incase I someone wants to message me, I may not be there to get the message now but I will later. Unfortunately I only have fourteen people on my contact list, only once in a while do I hear from any of them. One hasnt even been on in two months herself.
19. I got my first street bike recently, I ride it to work every day, even now that it is getting colder. Its small and needs work but I love it. Dont tell anyone but I still dont have my endorsement, more a money issue then ability.
18. I grew up school years with my Mom and Step-Dad in Oregon and Nevada and summers with my Father on Maui, Hawaii. I have two step brothers and a half sister all older. One step brother thinks I stole his dad away from him, the otherwell lets just say he has his own issues, and I have heard from my sister maybe three times in my entire life. I think I am lucky I am not more screwed up.
17. I once had a hot girl tell me that she crushed on me hard during high school but that she never approached me because she thought I was gay. Talk about a blow to the ego.
16. When I was young (10 14) I used to break into peoples houses, not to steal anything, but to see if I could. Then change something and see if they noticed, you would be surprised how oblivious most people are.
15. I learned the art of slight of hand at a young age as well, more because I was bored then anything else. Some of my accomplishments include stealing 2 fifths of hard liquor from a store in Hawaii at age 19, and liberating a 3lb bag of M & Ms from another store when while my wife was pregnant and craving wanted some but we didnt have any money. I havent stolen anything in nearly 10 years.
14. I havent been on here much lately because I have gotten into playing video games on my computer again; currently my game of choice is Battlefield 2.
13. I was a pathetic mack in high school. I say pathetic not because I was unsuccessful but because I thought the better I did with the ladies the more of a man I was, how wrong I was is beyond words.
12. Once when I was in grade school while flying to Hawaii to visit my father I caressed a stewardesses leg, even went slightly under her skirt. She gave me the strangest look, but didnt say a word, I still get confused when I think about it.
11. Braveheart is the only move ever that made me cry.
10. I have a lock of white hair in the front of my head, I got it in a car accident. People have asked me why I dont dye it. The answer is because every day it reminds me of how close I came to worse then a lock of white hair.
9. My wife and I have a truly open relationship, but I have never cheated on her or had sex with another person since we have been married, yet I know couples who do not have an open relationship that cant stop cheating. Life is irony.
8. I love to dream.
7. I am overweight tell myself every night, tomorrow I will do something to work out.
6. I am still overweight.
5. Besides my wife I have two crushes on this site, neither are Suicide Girls. One is going through her own personal chaos and the other is married. I would say I know how to pick them but I dont think we pick those we are attracted to so I cant.
4. I fried on Acid once and looked in the mirror.
3. I believe our government is corrupt beyond redemption and hope for revolution everyday.
2. I hope everyday that I am a better father then mine.
1. Everyday at work, I miss my wife.
Ok time to tag someone else, well two someones I tag Vauxhall and SluttyGoodGirl!
20. I always leave my chat program on just incase I someone wants to message me, I may not be there to get the message now but I will later. Unfortunately I only have fourteen people on my contact list, only once in a while do I hear from any of them. One hasnt even been on in two months herself.
19. I got my first street bike recently, I ride it to work every day, even now that it is getting colder. Its small and needs work but I love it. Dont tell anyone but I still dont have my endorsement, more a money issue then ability.
18. I grew up school years with my Mom and Step-Dad in Oregon and Nevada and summers with my Father on Maui, Hawaii. I have two step brothers and a half sister all older. One step brother thinks I stole his dad away from him, the otherwell lets just say he has his own issues, and I have heard from my sister maybe three times in my entire life. I think I am lucky I am not more screwed up.
17. I once had a hot girl tell me that she crushed on me hard during high school but that she never approached me because she thought I was gay. Talk about a blow to the ego.
16. When I was young (10 14) I used to break into peoples houses, not to steal anything, but to see if I could. Then change something and see if they noticed, you would be surprised how oblivious most people are.
15. I learned the art of slight of hand at a young age as well, more because I was bored then anything else. Some of my accomplishments include stealing 2 fifths of hard liquor from a store in Hawaii at age 19, and liberating a 3lb bag of M & Ms from another store when while my wife was pregnant and craving wanted some but we didnt have any money. I havent stolen anything in nearly 10 years.
14. I havent been on here much lately because I have gotten into playing video games on my computer again; currently my game of choice is Battlefield 2.
13. I was a pathetic mack in high school. I say pathetic not because I was unsuccessful but because I thought the better I did with the ladies the more of a man I was, how wrong I was is beyond words.
12. Once when I was in grade school while flying to Hawaii to visit my father I caressed a stewardesses leg, even went slightly under her skirt. She gave me the strangest look, but didnt say a word, I still get confused when I think about it.
11. Braveheart is the only move ever that made me cry.
10. I have a lock of white hair in the front of my head, I got it in a car accident. People have asked me why I dont dye it. The answer is because every day it reminds me of how close I came to worse then a lock of white hair.
9. My wife and I have a truly open relationship, but I have never cheated on her or had sex with another person since we have been married, yet I know couples who do not have an open relationship that cant stop cheating. Life is irony.
8. I love to dream.
7. I am overweight tell myself every night, tomorrow I will do something to work out.
6. I am still overweight.
5. Besides my wife I have two crushes on this site, neither are Suicide Girls. One is going through her own personal chaos and the other is married. I would say I know how to pick them but I dont think we pick those we are attracted to so I cant.
4. I fried on Acid once and looked in the mirror.
3. I believe our government is corrupt beyond redemption and hope for revolution everyday.
2. I hope everyday that I am a better father then mine.
1. Everyday at work, I miss my wife.
Ok time to tag someone else, well two someones I tag Vauxhall and SluttyGoodGirl!

u never update for shit - kiss your wifey for me. k?