Thursday Aug 12, 2004 Aug 12, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 17 of 17 COMMENTS ansia: Fairy nuff! I can understand that non-profiley logic -- not nice to sum oneself up in neat little passages at times. I am looking in the Atlas for Conneticut and I can't find it ...BUT, I did discover that there is a place called 'Condom' in France Aug 12, 2004 ansia: lol! nooooo ... I was looking in the Index!! Aug 12, 2004
Fairy nuff! I can understand that non-profiley logic -- not nice to sum oneself up in neat little passages at times. I am looking in the Atlas for Conneticut and I can't find it ...BUT, I did discover that there is a place called 'Condom' in France
lol! nooooo ... I was looking in the Index!!