Sunday Aug 01, 2004 Aug 1, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 15 of 15 COMMENTS thepirate: If I'm lucky I'll be one of those sailing dads one day.... If I'm not I'll just be sailing. I have a shirt all about ponies and pie but I think I forgot to put it up in my pics section. Is that "Do not fuck with me" a quote from sealab 2021 by any chance? Aug 1, 2004 josephene: I used to think the penis was a beautiful I KNOW it is...*giggle* Thanks for the birthday wishes, my sweet...and for making me a part of your journal... Aug 2, 2004
If I'm not I'll just be sailing.
I have a shirt all about ponies and pie but I think I forgot to put it up in my pics section.
Is that "Do not fuck with me" a quote from sealab 2021 by any chance?
Thanks for the birthday wishes, my sweet...and for making me a part of your journal...