i have no internet at the moment in my new house, which sucks so im sorry ive not commented on any of your blogs. i dont know how long it will be but i promise i'll try and make it sooner rather than later.
so i moved out last week. its cool, been a bit strange. this is the first time ive lived away from my parents home without a partner. i like it but i feel as though somethings missing...or someone.
missing feline company loads as well.
been spending a lot of time with some fab friends....its strange how even after 12 years there are some people that you just gel with.
moneys a huge concern at the mo, but come my september pay rise i'll be ok. just need to live like a student until then.
booked tickets to go and see Batman at the IMAX on the 20th august. cant wait...going with some girls from school and should be nice to get out and about.
not liking the fact that bashter got zotted, i think that was quite unfair as im not sure he actually did much wrong!
im gonna go and finish sorting out some stuff at my mums house and hopefully by next week i may have soem new piccies up for you as both my sisters are coming down this week with my niece and nephew.....WOOO!!!
so i moved out last week. its cool, been a bit strange. this is the first time ive lived away from my parents home without a partner. i like it but i feel as though somethings missing...or someone.
missing feline company loads as well.
been spending a lot of time with some fab friends....its strange how even after 12 years there are some people that you just gel with.
moneys a huge concern at the mo, but come my september pay rise i'll be ok. just need to live like a student until then.
booked tickets to go and see Batman at the IMAX on the 20th august. cant wait...going with some girls from school and should be nice to get out and about.
not liking the fact that bashter got zotted, i think that was quite unfair as im not sure he actually did much wrong!
im gonna go and finish sorting out some stuff at my mums house and hopefully by next week i may have soem new piccies up for you as both my sisters are coming down this week with my niece and nephew.....WOOO!!!



hope youre enjoying your new house x