so the past few days have been.....wierd!
things on here feel as though im back at secondary school. i thought with adult hood people became more moral.....knowing right and was wrong.
a rollercoaster of emotions, happy, sad and then absolutely livid. im angry still (disgusted as well) but the past few days have made me realise something......
are two of the most amazing friends any girl can ask for. they listened to me cry, said ALL the right things and then stood by me and told me i wasnt alone and that they were behind me all the way!
poor deadmanshand had to listen to me cry for a bit too, poor lad...wouldnt wish that on anyone, hehe
what amazing friends i have.....i cant ask for much more
so, plans for the weekend, off out on Friday with the girls from work and then keeping myself busy on the Saturday and Sunday.......good to be busy when my emotions are all over the place.
what about you? what you up too?
things on here feel as though im back at secondary school. i thought with adult hood people became more moral.....knowing right and was wrong.
a rollercoaster of emotions, happy, sad and then absolutely livid. im angry still (disgusted as well) but the past few days have made me realise something......
are two of the most amazing friends any girl can ask for. they listened to me cry, said ALL the right things and then stood by me and told me i wasnt alone and that they were behind me all the way!
poor deadmanshand had to listen to me cry for a bit too, poor lad...wouldnt wish that on anyone, hehe
what amazing friends i have.....i cant ask for much more
so, plans for the weekend, off out on Friday with the girls from work and then keeping myself busy on the Saturday and Sunday.......good to be busy when my emotions are all over the place.
what about you? what you up too?
Those two lovely ladies re just grseat arent they, hope you get everything sorted.
how indeed, don't worry hon, you and the puppies are still very high in my estimation