this post is brought to you in a whats made me happy/sad stylee
whats made me happy this week
* being told by 3 guys they want me.....big headed i know but it dont half make you feel good to be told that.
* loving this travis barker remix...i love him
*getting my class ready to perform rocking around the christmas tree all dressed as xmas trees, its my chance to have a little fun!!! woooooo
*buying new snowboard trousers
* changing up my money into dollars................the exchange rate is amazing for us brits.
*watching the final season 2 heroes episode
whats made me sad this week
*being 1500 miles away from the person i wanna be with
* heroes finishing early
*finishing all my xmas shopping
*breaking my laminator
*eating too much chocolate
*having to go to work in the morning
so tell me one good thing about the past week and one bad thing!!!
whats made me happy this week
* being told by 3 guys they want me.....big headed i know but it dont half make you feel good to be told that.
* loving this travis barker remix...i love him
*getting my class ready to perform rocking around the christmas tree all dressed as xmas trees, its my chance to have a little fun!!! woooooo
*buying new snowboard trousers
* changing up my money into dollars................the exchange rate is amazing for us brits.
*watching the final season 2 heroes episode
whats made me sad this week
*being 1500 miles away from the person i wanna be with
* heroes finishing early
*finishing all my xmas shopping
*breaking my laminator
*eating too much chocolate
*having to go to work in the morning
so tell me one good thing about the past week and one bad thing!!!
Thank you soooo much
Had a quick glance over your journal, sorry about you and alex Say hi to him for me please! Havent spoken to anyone on SG for ages, cept Pauly
for going snowbaording, is there anything I need to get, like goggles,clothes, thermal underwear???