hello eveybody.
feeling more positive!!!! got my laptop back but no cash as of yet.
soooooo lets see whats has happened?????
been spending loads of time with my lock. saw james bond on saturday and loved it!!!! went out for inner yeasterday and we had the best time. i am so in love with that boy!!!!
got my etnies trainers......how amazing is dragan? he wont let me pay him for them. arent they lush, and thankou sweety
selling a few lush bits on ebay have a look
xma soon and i have got lock the Best pressie....hes gona love it......but sssssssshhhhhhhh!!!
3 weeks of school left!!! im so ready for the break, this class are really testing me. im havig real problems with a couple!!
bloody kids
on frankies list for a chest piece but i dont really know what to get. any suggestions???
booked mine and locks anniversary dinner, were off to the rainforest cafe!!!! 1 year?? wow!!!!
i have a bit of a crush on this guy at the mo
big loves to bash and chomper whos shit inusurance company wont pay out for someone elses mistake.
hugs to lovelysitwell whos having a bad time at the mo.
kisses to purplesiamese who has a fabulous PSW set at the mo.
loving pauly's beard!!! suits you sir!
and snogs to everyone else who has left me a lovely comment, ive missed you all
feeling more positive!!!! got my laptop back but no cash as of yet.
soooooo lets see whats has happened?????
been spending loads of time with my lock. saw james bond on saturday and loved it!!!! went out for inner yeasterday and we had the best time. i am so in love with that boy!!!!
got my etnies trainers......how amazing is dragan? he wont let me pay him for them. arent they lush, and thankou sweety
selling a few lush bits on ebay have a look
xma soon and i have got lock the Best pressie....hes gona love it......but sssssssshhhhhhhh!!!
3 weeks of school left!!! im so ready for the break, this class are really testing me. im havig real problems with a couple!!
on frankies list for a chest piece but i dont really know what to get. any suggestions???
booked mine and locks anniversary dinner, were off to the rainforest cafe!!!! 1 year?? wow!!!!
i have a bit of a crush on this guy at the mo
big loves to bash and chomper whos shit inusurance company wont pay out for someone elses mistake.
hugs to lovelysitwell whos having a bad time at the mo.
kisses to purplesiamese who has a fabulous PSW set at the mo.
loving pauly's beard!!! suits you sir!
and snogs to everyone else who has left me a lovely comment, ive missed you all
we're going to caroline mum and dads for christmas, and hopefully coming to london very close to xmas, we have acouple of days off on the 22nd/23rd i think, so wwe are thinking of going to london if you guys want to hook up? i want to got the museums, the science museum has a big game exhibit on!! what are you guys upto?
we were thinking of going down on 21st til23rd/4th ish, would be great to see you both aswell!! just need to sort trains and and a place to crash!!