im in soooo much pain
i have an infection. its killing me and my antibiotics havent kicked in yet
i woke every 4 hours last night from the pain as my mums prescription painkillers wore off.
if its still hurting tomorrow im staying at home i went into school this afternoon and felt crap and then had 2 1/2 hours of parents evening. all went well apart from my tooth killing me
can you all send me funny pictures to make me smile, dont have a lot to smile bout at the mo (apart from my amazing boyfriend who i love more than anything and is the best thing i have)
god im feeling sorry for myself!!!sorry
last year someone got me into Il Nino so i thought id share incase you all went 'who?'
Get well soon, poor us hey? Wouldn't it be fun if we could be sick together and just watch youtube allday