thank you for all your nice words bout my 'concerningly bizarre' new class. ive warmed to them.....tehy are kinda cute!!!!
im sitting here in tears. ive been watching eastenders and ive cried through most of it!!i cry all the time as regular readers to the journal will know but OH MY GOD!
those who dont watch heres a quick run down...after the longest pregnancy ever, billy and honey have had their baby girl. she is downs syndrome. and they are torn between wether to keep her or not.
i dont know what i would feel. all the parents out there are probably gasping in shock. i have kids all day at school and know how tiring, emotionaly draining and frustrating minor learning disabilities are, how id cope with a child with a major disability, i do not know. i think the answer would be i would cope. sounds silly but yeah it does scare me. financially c=dont know how id cope. couldnt imagine coping witha baby at the moment but a baby that would need so much extra care and attention. who knows!
i know that if something like that was to happen i would cope and would love the child soo much. anyway, ive calmed down now and stopped bawling.
what is wrong with some parents????? i have a lovely lad, hes 7 and has ADHD, autism, and severe motor dysphaxia. he cannot write or read. his mum has only acknologed that fact hes special needs as he has been diagnosed by a doctor..that happened 6 months ago. his dad refuses to accept it. you KNOW when you meet this boy he is not a 'regular' child ( i use the term regualr VERY loosly as i dont really know any regular kids)
i really feel for him, hes soooo behind and should not be in our school, but its not up too us!!!!
seeing my lock tomorrow!!! cant wait.
love ya
im sitting here in tears. ive been watching eastenders and ive cried through most of it!!i cry all the time as regular readers to the journal will know but OH MY GOD!
those who dont watch heres a quick run down...after the longest pregnancy ever, billy and honey have had their baby girl. she is downs syndrome. and they are torn between wether to keep her or not.
i dont know what i would feel. all the parents out there are probably gasping in shock. i have kids all day at school and know how tiring, emotionaly draining and frustrating minor learning disabilities are, how id cope with a child with a major disability, i do not know. i think the answer would be i would cope. sounds silly but yeah it does scare me. financially c=dont know how id cope. couldnt imagine coping witha baby at the moment but a baby that would need so much extra care and attention. who knows!
i know that if something like that was to happen i would cope and would love the child soo much. anyway, ive calmed down now and stopped bawling.
what is wrong with some parents????? i have a lovely lad, hes 7 and has ADHD, autism, and severe motor dysphaxia. he cannot write or read. his mum has only acknologed that fact hes special needs as he has been diagnosed by a doctor..that happened 6 months ago. his dad refuses to accept it. you KNOW when you meet this boy he is not a 'regular' child ( i use the term regualr VERY loosly as i dont really know any regular kids)
i really feel for him, hes soooo behind and should not be in our school, but its not up too us!!!!
seeing my lock tomorrow!!! cant wait.
love ya
my cousin has adhd and trust me you can easily tell that something is wrong
hope you have fun with mrlock and he makes you feel better