look what pauly made me. i love it!! thank you sweety!!!!!!
lock got back at last
i was think ing hed moved to derby permanently and i was gonn ahave to send out a search party
i have had the shitest day i can remember. i nearly burst into tears about 3 times during school today. i had such rude horrid kids today. and it was so hot which made me and them better, i feel as tho im loosing control of them!!!! i dunno what to do. im gonna have to rethink my behaviour stategies i think, bribery always works!!
seriously tho, i nearly gave up!!! we're a school that talkes the kids no-one else wants...the 'educational challenged' and the children with behavioural issues except we're NOT a behavioural unit. although we should be made into a feeder school, 4 in the last year have been sent to a behavioural unit from us,. thats far to many.
i have a question. why do we hurt the ones we love??????
lock got back at last
i have had the shitest day i can remember. i nearly burst into tears about 3 times during school today. i had such rude horrid kids today. and it was so hot which made me and them better, i feel as tho im loosing control of them!!!! i dunno what to do. im gonna have to rethink my behaviour stategies i think, bribery always works!!
seriously tho, i nearly gave up!!! we're a school that talkes the kids no-one else wants...the 'educational challenged' and the children with behavioural issues except we're NOT a behavioural unit. although we should be made into a feeder school, 4 in the last year have been sent to a behavioural unit from us,. thats far to many.
i have a question. why do we hurt the ones we love??????
you can still punch kids in school can you?
A: Because it's the fact that they are the ones which we love THE most.
As for school: been there, done that, re-written the book, designed the screen and printed the t-shirt! You know that there is no easy answer to Behavioural Management and strategies. Kids, no matter how well behaved they are 99.9% of the time, will act up that 0.1% of the time.
I've worked in a school, in London where it was a ratio of 70% non-English speaking pupils and of all the pupils in the school, it was about 57% SEN. That's v.high for a mainstream secondary. What I learned is that there are always lots of different ways to tackle different situations (more and more are thought up by bleeding heart educational liberals everyday), however (and much to the chagrin of said educational liberals), there is no substitute for simply raising your voice to the pupil/s or simply standing there with your hands behind you and your head down, with your eyes looking at the floor... Why? Because it's saying tons of things:
1) It's showing that you're no longer looking at, or paying attention to the pupil/s.
2) Open body language - arms behind your back is a submissive posture: aka you give up.
3) It sends alarm bells ringing to the more well-behaved members of the group, who will hopefully tell the misbehaving pupils to shut up, thus doing all the work for you without you having to open your mouth.
4) It's allowing the pupils to run out of steam, once they've finished, they've got nowhere else to go/to say.
5) It stops the lesson, pupils hate this. It's change and they can't handle that. By stopping the lesson they cannot continue and boredom set's in - it drives them mad. So what you don't get everything done according to your lesson plan - you had to deal with a situation which was far more important. I had a colleague who stopped her lessons regularly for poor behaviour. Sure they never really got anything done, but it worked and pupils knew where they stood with her, because it was a regular tactic - "For every action there's and equal and opposite reaction" - just in the classroom in this case!
Hope these suggestions help!
Little buggers! Grrrrr!