ooohhh update time.
thursday: went to see the reduced shakespeare company with lock and his bezzie mate at the hackney empire. they rocked and the play was hilarious. havent been to the theatre for ages. was nice to be back with lock missed him loads and was nice to snuggle together that night.
friday: went to the hospital for a yucky thing but everything is ok and there is no need to panic!!!! had a bit of a panic attack in the hospital, had a cry and chilled out, was very glad to have have alex there for moral support. then went for a mooch round with the shops. watched transporter 2 in the evening and lock taught me how to do soduku which im crap at!!!!!!!!!
saturday:did nothing, stayed in bed till some silly time and then went out for dinner and to the cinema.
sunday: stayed in bed again till sunday lunch was cooked (you spotting a pattern here?) then got up, ate, went back to bed and got up to come home.
all in all a fab weekend with the man of my dreams
my puters still ill, so using my mums one. Pauly and bash im sorry i havent been about for a while. love to both of you.
busy few weeks ahead, speed dating, a girlie night with
.locks flatmate, being taken to my first goth night at synthetic culture, best mates birthday and celebrating alex passing his driving test (we hope, fingers crossed)oh dear i have no money, i need another job me thinks. anyone need a tutor???????
right im off to dance around in my loved-upness
thursday: went to see the reduced shakespeare company with lock and his bezzie mate at the hackney empire. they rocked and the play was hilarious. havent been to the theatre for ages. was nice to be back with lock missed him loads and was nice to snuggle together that night.
friday: went to the hospital for a yucky thing but everything is ok and there is no need to panic!!!! had a bit of a panic attack in the hospital, had a cry and chilled out, was very glad to have have alex there for moral support. then went for a mooch round with the shops. watched transporter 2 in the evening and lock taught me how to do soduku which im crap at!!!!!!!!!
saturday:did nothing, stayed in bed till some silly time and then went out for dinner and to the cinema.
sunday: stayed in bed again till sunday lunch was cooked (you spotting a pattern here?) then got up, ate, went back to bed and got up to come home.
all in all a fab weekend with the man of my dreams

my puters still ill, so using my mums one. Pauly and bash im sorry i havent been about for a while. love to both of you.
busy few weeks ahead, speed dating, a girlie night with
.locks flatmate, being taken to my first goth night at synthetic culture, best mates birthday and celebrating alex passing his driving test (we hope, fingers crossed)oh dear i have no money, i need another job me thinks. anyone need a tutor???????
right im off to dance around in my loved-upness

I'm sure we'll meet up at some point!
Glad you are okay now and had a good weekend