Im not entirely sure whats gone wrong, but everything is falling down right now.

Im in the wrong job. I enjoy working for Games Workshop, but am being driven slowly mad by working on my own.
I was coping with this until my girlfriend said she needed some time on her own to think over things, and now im in tatters. I havent been able...
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Damn dude sorry to hear that. Hope things pick up.
Ouch. I hope the waiting is fantastically worthwhile and it all turns around.

In the meantime you should occupy yourself by watching all the Bond films back to back.
Been a long time. Mainly cos i've been busy working, playing retro games, and being a boyfriend.
Its all going nicely, and im actually genuinely feeling like this could be the beginning of something wonderful. The girl is wonderful, and we have far too much in common.

And i need a haircut...
erm ive been better.. well alot better! god keeps on giving me SHIT to rant about the stupid mother fucker! how are you?
aww thanks! i hope so too!
Havent put a blog up for ages.
Havent had much to say, save for the fact that im really happy right now.

Ive left behind all the shit from the last few years, clean slate, and im getting on with life.
Glad to hear it mate.
Day 6 of not being 'veggie'

I ate some chicken on day 4.... only cos the chinese didnt have any nice looking veggie dishes. And it wasnt even that good. A year and a half of not eating meat, and i thought i might enjoy my first taste, but apparantly i was unenthused.

But at least im getting tattoooooooed again today!
And my topsy-turvy soap...
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Dude you have to break veginess with bacon, it's like a law or something. Glad everything else is getting on well though.
Day 2 of non-vege...

I ate a haribo gold bear.

Thats it. Although to balance it out i had a fully vegan sos-roll for lunch. So i dont feel too bad.
I keep getting to the moment of choice where i could go for a meaty option, but then realising i dont feel the need to.
Updates to follow...
YOu just reminded me that I had a packet of Star Mix in my room. Tasty. Thanks
So i decided today that i dont want to be 'vegetarian' anymore.
I've never really held to the true core beliefs of vegetarianism, i just started to see if i could do it, and kind of got stuck into the routine, and its not a routine im overly fond of.

My choice of a straight edge lifestyle was chosen by me because it gave me...
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Good on you. Don't make the mistake I did though and go from strick vegetarian to tucking into a rare steak. I have never felt so ill in my life!
Ignoring the gelatine is probably a good start.
Crisis appears to be over, and im experiencing a high again.

Im getting more tattoo tomorrow, which is always good. I have the greatest group of friends in the world ever (yep, thats right, even better than yours...), and im eating chocolate cake. with custard.
Good for you mate.
Realised this morning that i hadnt eaten a proper meal in 3 days.... in fact, all i had eaten was 2 toffees, and a few ginger biscuits. Oh, and a banana...
Im not sure why this is, because i had barely noticed. I think its because ive had a lot on my mind recently. Busy at work, love-life akin to some sort of soap opera...
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hey man! haha soap opera love life, stress can fuk with ur appetite tho. badass taste in films n music, i love SOIA, terror, invader zim. any gigs lined up?
What you really need is a spinal cord in a baguette.

In the meantime have some pepperoni action. There are a lot of good recipes on that blog.

If you had taken the time to watch Boob Olympics you would have realised that there is a competitive element.
Off work today, feeling like shit.
I'm sure it will work itself out if its meant to.

But seriously what the hell is your secret, you meast teach me.
Cheers, thats 3000pts + of core and special right there.