Birthday was good.
Dropkick Murphies was good
Work is good
Cake is good
ergo, Life is good.
That secret project that my friends were working on for my birthday ran a lot deeper than i thought. Turns out 20 of my friends got together and bought me a 300 model that i had wanted for ages. Told you my friends were awesome. They make my world complete.
Dropkick Murphies was good
Work is good
Cake is good
ergo, Life is good.
That secret project that my friends were working on for my birthday ran a lot deeper than i thought. Turns out 20 of my friends got together and bought me a 300 model that i had wanted for ages. Told you my friends were awesome. They make my world complete.
Mousse from a bowl is very nice, but to put it on a person is demented.
hey sorry disapeared other day, my internet keeps crashing, hope your good x