I'm still at work and I'm not even close to going home.
The cleaning people came by my desk and i've got lik 40 cups full of melted ice so I tried to hurry and put them in the trash so they could pick it up.
I get to the last one
and all of a sudden I hear this *crack*
An entire jumbo style styrofoam cup of like 5 day old water comes tumbling out of my hand and right down the front of me.
The lid, well that's still in my hand.
And there's this huge puddle at my feet
And I'm soaking wet
And my chair, my poor chair
The water is just kinda bubbling on top of it, not sure where to go.
And there's three wide eyed mexicans not sure what to do next.
One gingerly hands me a towel.
So now I'm sitting here, soaked, cold, headachy and just tired of it all.
At least it didn't get on my papers.
So mom was right everyone, never hold a cup by its lid.
The cleaning people came by my desk and i've got lik 40 cups full of melted ice so I tried to hurry and put them in the trash so they could pick it up.
I get to the last one
and all of a sudden I hear this *crack*
An entire jumbo style styrofoam cup of like 5 day old water comes tumbling out of my hand and right down the front of me.
The lid, well that's still in my hand.
And there's this huge puddle at my feet
And I'm soaking wet
And my chair, my poor chair
The water is just kinda bubbling on top of it, not sure where to go.
And there's three wide eyed mexicans not sure what to do next.
One gingerly hands me a towel.
So now I'm sitting here, soaked, cold, headachy and just tired of it all.
At least it didn't get on my papers.
So mom was right everyone, never hold a cup by its lid.

Oh, No!! I hate it when things like that happen. It seems that the more tired and uncomfortable you are, the more likely that stuff is to happen. It's because we don't think straight when we are tired. I totally filled out paperwork last night for a body we picked up because I was so tired. About the suspension; I have very very very tiny scars. I have a bit of scar tissue that you can feel, but most of the time, after a few weeks, you can't see anything unless you look really hard.

it's just water.