Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I'm feeling much better, now I'm just full of sniffles.
I also feel like that Tori Amos lyric "I've shaved every place that you've been boy" except replace boy with sickness and add "and it itches."
I trimmed my flist extensively to people I actually talk to and want to keep up with, because I'd rather keep up with a few than lose out on a lot. So request back if you miss me aha.
I've been thinking of going back to school. But I don't think I'm ready to study for the grad exam. Due to forces beyond my control, my undergrad GPA wasn't stellar, so I'm wondering if I could get a second bachelors. Anyone know how that works? Do you just take the major courses and get a new GPA? or do you start all over?
At any rate, my company might pay for a MBA, but that looks so boring and not in my orbit. I found a seemingly good grad program in Women's Studies and that totally jiggles my berries.
I don't know what to do, but I feel like my brain might rot from decay if I don't keep learning. But my job is too rich and too rad to leave. So it would have to be a double scoop of busy.
So, if you've got comments beautiful, and if not, tell me about your education
I also feel like that Tori Amos lyric "I've shaved every place that you've been boy" except replace boy with sickness and add "and it itches."

I trimmed my flist extensively to people I actually talk to and want to keep up with, because I'd rather keep up with a few than lose out on a lot. So request back if you miss me aha.
I've been thinking of going back to school. But I don't think I'm ready to study for the grad exam. Due to forces beyond my control, my undergrad GPA wasn't stellar, so I'm wondering if I could get a second bachelors. Anyone know how that works? Do you just take the major courses and get a new GPA? or do you start all over?
At any rate, my company might pay for a MBA, but that looks so boring and not in my orbit. I found a seemingly good grad program in Women's Studies and that totally jiggles my berries.
I don't know what to do, but I feel like my brain might rot from decay if I don't keep learning. But my job is too rich and too rad to leave. So it would have to be a double scoop of busy.
So, if you've got comments beautiful, and if not, tell me about your education

No girl did anything inparticular, just a combination over the past week or month or longer.
I forgot the question. I was hipnotized by your eyes. You gots some pretty eyes girl!