Okay, So Cinema time. I have yet to see any of the major best picture dealies. Okay, so I saw Tropic Thunder on DVD, but that doesn't really count. Milk, Slumdog Millionaire, Benjamin Button, none a' that. I really need to get my googlie eyes straight.
I am looking forward to Coraline, however. Neil Gaiman plus animated movie equals one paid seat for this miserable prole. Hey, and who's best pals with Neil Gaiman? No, not Mcfarlane; Alan Moore! His mighty beard has compelled me to re-read "From Hell", arguably my favorite of his works, and it's just has happy and bright a story as I remember it.
Back to the cinemas, who's seen stuff from Watchmen, huh? Call me cautious on this one, mostly because each new thing I see either gets me super-pumped or pisses me right off. It's a balancing act. ..Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerated about my internet rage, but certain things -do- worry me a bit. Just a bit. But that's only because I'm such a miserable bugger as it is. I have seen 300, and.. well, ya know, it's no "Gates of Fire", and they even goofied up the original comic by adding a pointless political subplot.
Okay, it wasn't pointless. Zack just wanted to shoehorn some hot rape action because.. um... well..
There's definately a reason in there. I don't know if it's a good one. I guess because she shanks his ass later it makes it all better, but seriously, Zack? I'm still stewin' about that one. But, ya know, like I 'twas sayin', miserable creature.
Coraline looks cool. I'll never see it in 3d, considering, ya know, Iowa, but whatever. I think, just maybe, I can live without that luxury.
I am looking forward to Coraline, however. Neil Gaiman plus animated movie equals one paid seat for this miserable prole. Hey, and who's best pals with Neil Gaiman? No, not Mcfarlane; Alan Moore! His mighty beard has compelled me to re-read "From Hell", arguably my favorite of his works, and it's just has happy and bright a story as I remember it.
Back to the cinemas, who's seen stuff from Watchmen, huh? Call me cautious on this one, mostly because each new thing I see either gets me super-pumped or pisses me right off. It's a balancing act. ..Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerated about my internet rage, but certain things -do- worry me a bit. Just a bit. But that's only because I'm such a miserable bugger as it is. I have seen 300, and.. well, ya know, it's no "Gates of Fire", and they even goofied up the original comic by adding a pointless political subplot.
Okay, it wasn't pointless. Zack just wanted to shoehorn some hot rape action because.. um... well..
There's definately a reason in there. I don't know if it's a good one. I guess because she shanks his ass later it makes it all better, but seriously, Zack? I'm still stewin' about that one. But, ya know, like I 'twas sayin', miserable creature.
Coraline looks cool. I'll never see it in 3d, considering, ya know, Iowa, but whatever. I think, just maybe, I can live without that luxury.