Holly fuck has it been a while or what? Time flies when you have as much fun as I do in life! Well getting ready for the upcoming season and business is good! Yes I said business is good if you can believe that in the economy we are in! Thanks you fucking crooks in the govt! Anyway as I said getting ready for an exciting season in the spring and summer! First its off to wonderful New Hampshire with 666irish to party it up with some friends there. Then for my birthday celebration in april its off to vegas for the VIVA LAS VEGAS rockabilly show! Yup rockabilly and rat rods for me that is! Cant wait at all! Is anyone going to this event? Anyone interested in going out to this? I found airfare and hotel for 5 nights at the luxor for $404 so needless to say that was a no brainer! Its supposed to be a bitchin time out there at this event. Also for the late spring and summer time fun we are splashing 1-2 boats in the chesapeake bay! Party boats that is, higgins boats to be exact! We will be capable of carrying vehicles and people on these boats for your partying pleasure! Want to crash a party on the beach somewhere? Not a problem well run the boat right up to the beach drop the ramp and the party begins! So we plan on haveing some fun with these gems, cruise around the harbor, visit a few bars that we can dock at or just go to the beach and be the party! Dont worry we will be the center of attention wherever we land, there is no doubt there! At last and for your car crushing pleasure we will have the tank bank and running shit over by the summer time again! You may have seen it around, possibly on my pics, or 666irish's site or maybe even in the movie saving private ryan. Non the less fun to be had here, and if your into odd and unsual shit you should think about coming out! Gauanteed to have fun and I will bet you you never have been on shit like this! Let me know if you are interested! Brad