This is such a wonderful video by @dicentra called One More Light. Please take a look. The message and the music are so powerful. It gets better!
Hey Folks,
No, I'm not coming out of the closet or anything like that. I'm coming out as a real person here on SG. I have to admit, it's a bit scary. I've always hidden behind the anonymity allowed here. I've been "LiberalCat13" since I signed up a long time ago. But let me introduce myself:
Hi, my name is Ryan. I work for the...
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Hey All, I tipped a couple beautiful models today and it got me to thinking about tipping here on SG. How do others do it? Am I doing anything right or wrong? I doubt I'm doing anything wrong, but maybe I'm out of the norm? What do you think?
I decided a long time ago that if I felt like tipping someone, it was because...
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@rare tagged me in this holiday questionnaire. So I decided to take part! I'd love to see some other responses as well.
1. How was your Thanksgiving and what are you thankful for?
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving (I'm an American, so I celebrate it), although too much driving. But I got to spend time with my 4-year-old granddaughter! Always the highlight of any day!...
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