I read the Da Vinci Code. super genius book!!!
Have u read it? How do u feel about it?
I came from a religious upbringing. A denomination which i no longer claim. i wont name which denomination cuz it will make u people crazy to find out and then when u find out u will throw shit at me.
This book definitely sparked many interests. I bought three more books after buying the da vinci code: The Gnostic Gospels, The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle, and The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English.
ok so just cuz im reading books like that doesnt mean im a christian. why do i feel like i have to explain myself to u? obviously i have sensitivity toward the subject. how can i not?
no hate mail or i will hunt u down and gnaw ur toes off! bwahaha!
Have u read it? How do u feel about it?
I came from a religious upbringing. A denomination which i no longer claim. i wont name which denomination cuz it will make u people crazy to find out and then when u find out u will throw shit at me.

ok so just cuz im reading books like that doesnt mean im a christian. why do i feel like i have to explain myself to u? obviously i have sensitivity toward the subject. how can i not?
no hate mail or i will hunt u down and gnaw ur toes off! bwahaha!
any whoo i'm clueless you your post on my page...me and + you = friends if you were some how misled by the beef thing umm you responded to my testimonial to myself and in retern i joking ly reterned a answere to your testimonial to my testimonial.... and the link thing is kings of chaos... they reset it for age 3 so i need some clicks to rebuild my army