You gotta love consecutive days over 40 degrees during fire danger season. (Especially when you live in the hills like me)
It was recently Australia day or Invasion day which ever you prefer to call it (I personally like to call it day off work day).
I went bowling with a few friends and I'll tell you what I SUCK at bowling. I used to be alright but not anymore.

The lovely ladies who came with me

I also went to see Kitty Daisy and Lewis recently. Soooooo good. They have got to be one of the most talented families ever. If you like rockbilly, blues, jazz or bluegras and you've never heard them get on it!
My cousin (and before you get any ideas shes 16!) the boy and I at the show

Also my fiances band is on Triple J unearthed now so I suggest anyone that likes old fashioned punk have a listen. Standard Union
Another amazing Adelaide band called God God Dammit Dammit are also on there. Their recrodings arent amazing but they are such a good band.
I found an old photo of me at my grandfathers house. I was rather adorable.

And now I am quite terrifying.

It was recently Australia day or Invasion day which ever you prefer to call it (I personally like to call it day off work day).
I went bowling with a few friends and I'll tell you what I SUCK at bowling. I used to be alright but not anymore.

The lovely ladies who came with me

I also went to see Kitty Daisy and Lewis recently. Soooooo good. They have got to be one of the most talented families ever. If you like rockbilly, blues, jazz or bluegras and you've never heard them get on it!
My cousin (and before you get any ideas shes 16!) the boy and I at the show

Also my fiances band is on Triple J unearthed now so I suggest anyone that likes old fashioned punk have a listen. Standard Union
Another amazing Adelaide band called God God Dammit Dammit are also on there. Their recrodings arent amazing but they are such a good band.
I found an old photo of me at my grandfathers house. I was rather adorable.

And now I am quite terrifying.

Ya know, I don't think I've yet found vegan cheese that I preferred over dairy cheese.... hmm... I would ask for recommendations, however, I'm in the states...