Any one got any good ideas for making a gears of war costume? Avcon (anime and videogame convention) and free comic book day are coming up soon and i need a costume! (i already have a scale replica of the lancer)
im thinking something like the chick from the gears of war comic book

my dog is freaking out at the moment trying to push everything into the corners of the house because its thundering. silly puppy.
my other dog on the other hand doesnt care. he decided to get involved with me taking a photo of my new skirt

im dacing at him in this photo. he was rather excited by it all

one of my cats is currently sleeping in a paper bag on the floor behind me. yes i have a menagerie.
i also had vegan pizza for dinner it was amazing. I ate most of it in the car on the way home from the pizza place.
oh and yesterday I got bitten on the eyeball, yes the eyeball!, by one of my pet rats. he was being all loving then was like "ohhh shiny!" *chomp*
peace out
im thinking something like the chick from the gears of war comic book

my dog is freaking out at the moment trying to push everything into the corners of the house because its thundering. silly puppy.
my other dog on the other hand doesnt care. he decided to get involved with me taking a photo of my new skirt

im dacing at him in this photo. he was rather excited by it all

one of my cats is currently sleeping in a paper bag on the floor behind me. yes i have a menagerie.
i also had vegan pizza for dinner it was amazing. I ate most of it in the car on the way home from the pizza place.
oh and yesterday I got bitten on the eyeball, yes the eyeball!, by one of my pet rats. he was being all loving then was like "ohhh shiny!" *chomp*
peace out
You can probably find some costume design blogs and vids out there to help though. Good luck!
ps: eyeball? ow!