I could literally sit and probably write an essay about her.

I think I'm going to trade my old PS3 in for a new slimline model, just so I can take out an extended warranty really... Plus I need the spare GB space for all my games! I've currently been playing; Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit and I'm really impressed with it, it's pretty much 2 games in one technically. Plus I like the rivalry online with my PSN friends. Oh, if you've got a PSN account feel free to add me up, just put in the message "SG" so I know that it's somebody from here. PSN ID : A7X-Liam.
Here's some pictures I took on my iPhone of the snow in early November.

I was quite spoilt at Christmas this year from my parents. They bought me a brand new Manfrotto tripod with 3D Junior head. About 150 worth of kit for a tripod, but it's lovely for them to be so considerate. I got a new SuperDry jacket too, which was really unexpected as I only asked for a new tripod. I got a selection of other things too, just random little things.
I'm yet to see what the GF bought me but I'm sure I'll love everything. I kinda spoilt her too, hopefully she'll like everything I bought her! I won't see her till Wednesday so, I'm quite excited to see her again.
I hope that you're all well.
Hope your New Year is going well.