We all watched Valkyrie and Gran Torino, when everybody went to bed I stayed up and watched some Family Guy and American Dad. I love them shows. On Christmas Day, we got up and opened each others presents to each other then took my Grandad to my Aunties house where he was staying for dinner. My brother and I came home and saw our parents and exchanged presents with each other.
With everything combined I got the usual body products, sweets and my main presents were a few Blu-Ray movies and camera vouches. We went out for lunch and I nearly passed out. (again.) It's a re-occurring thing which is happening to me. If you want to read what happens to me read the spoiler.
On Boxing day, me and my Dad drove out to Darlington and I spent 1294 on a new camera / compact flash memory card and memory card reader for my PC. I bought the Canon 7D. It's a fantastic camera, and I'm so happy I've bought it. Just playing around with the camera I've taken 663 photographs haha. It's fantastic, it has 8fps! (That's frames per second, so 8 photographs a second. It's brilliant! The sound is lovely.) Yes, there's pictures soon to follow..
For New Year, as we in the UK know, it's the coldest winter we've had in 30 years, so as you can guess not many people were out. Me and a few friends went to our local and had a few drinks. We then headed up to Durham Cathedrals palace green for the countdown and suspected fireworks. (Which did not happen. BOO.) We then headed back to the pub had another drink and headed home.
New Years Day, my gorgeous girlfriend came up from Doncaster to spend the weekend with me. We built a couple of snowmen, WHICH GOT MURDERED DURING THE NIGHT! Watched a few DVDs and just enjoyed each others company, as the snow kinda ruined us doing anything we wanted...
So yesss, I guess I'll post a few pictures. First of all, here are the snowmen that me and Gem built.
Here are 2 things which I've been enjoying over the Christmas period.
Here's a couple of pictures of me and the girl.
Well, first blog of the year. I hope it's been an interesting one for you. I'll try a vlog later on. I hope you've all had a good Christmas and New Year.
- Liam. x
I ain't namin' names, but there's a few English ladies who - until recently - were members of the P.P. Group. Either of 'em might prove worthy of takin' it offa yer hands.