Hello people of SG!
I don't know what to talk about really, oh for those of you who have wrote to me in the Pen Pals group I will reply to you soon! I've just been lackadaisical recently and haven't had the "oompf" to do anything. I'm still missing my ex-gf, I miss having friends and company. People making me smile. That kinda thing.
I've been drinking a lot more recently as well. I know it's not helping me, but the bottle of JD has been sat there since May 2008 so I though I better start drinking it. Tastes good.
My bark hurts, I'd love a massage. So if any females are in my area feel free to pop around and give me one.
I just watched Dumb & Dumber. It made me smile a little bit, but I'm still feeling the blues. Boo. I might go listen to some Howling Wolf or J L Hooker. Then again, I might just say "Fuck it" and put some pirate metal on. That being Alestorm. I love them guys. You should check them out if you have a chance.
Erm.. Not a lot has happened recently really in my life! I made the final payment on my car at the weekend, and I just got my 02 bill for August. 61.25 Oh fuck, were my exact thoughts. I blame Facebook for making me feel obliged to updating my status whilst I was in Amsterdam.
Ok my lovers, I'm going to watch The Cable Guy now. I promise a much more productive blog soon. I'm just not up to doing one at the moment.
Oh yeah! If there's any gamers out there, and you've played Arkham Asylum. Can you give me any combat advice! I'm stuck at 90% on challenges and I can't get my 3 Bats score! Thanks!
Peace and zombie love. x
I don't know what to talk about really, oh for those of you who have wrote to me in the Pen Pals group I will reply to you soon! I've just been lackadaisical recently and haven't had the "oompf" to do anything. I'm still missing my ex-gf, I miss having friends and company. People making me smile. That kinda thing.
I've been drinking a lot more recently as well. I know it's not helping me, but the bottle of JD has been sat there since May 2008 so I though I better start drinking it. Tastes good.
My bark hurts, I'd love a massage. So if any females are in my area feel free to pop around and give me one.
I just watched Dumb & Dumber. It made me smile a little bit, but I'm still feeling the blues. Boo. I might go listen to some Howling Wolf or J L Hooker. Then again, I might just say "Fuck it" and put some pirate metal on. That being Alestorm. I love them guys. You should check them out if you have a chance.
Erm.. Not a lot has happened recently really in my life! I made the final payment on my car at the weekend, and I just got my 02 bill for August. 61.25 Oh fuck, were my exact thoughts. I blame Facebook for making me feel obliged to updating my status whilst I was in Amsterdam.
Ok my lovers, I'm going to watch The Cable Guy now. I promise a much more productive blog soon. I'm just not up to doing one at the moment.
Oh yeah! If there's any gamers out there, and you've played Arkham Asylum. Can you give me any combat advice! I'm stuck at 90% on challenges and I can't get my 3 Bats score! Thanks!
Peace and zombie love. x
Name the day, mate. Friday's the only bad day for me. Any other day is fine, Might be in work that week but if I have prior plans they can piss off 

Alestorm rock! But I hear they smell funny.