I took some photographs of my girlfriends pets the other day too, here's a few of my favourites.
Still with my beautiful Katie, it'll be 2 months on Thursday. Best 2 months of my life. She picks my mood up when I'm down, makes me smile when she just looks at me, the way she'll rub my thumb with hers when we're walking down the street holding hands, or when we're in the movies and she leans her head on my shoulder. She really is...dare I say it.. perfect? We're going to York again next weekend, I'll upload some pictures once we're back. She is my world. Sorry if I sound too God damn soppy. Haha.
I proper LOL at this video. It's got to be said, he really is The Strangest Man In Britain, he makes me want to break stuff...
Right then, I've been gaming quite a lot lately. Especially; Street Fighter IV, Killzone 2 and Resident Evil 5.
Out of them three games, I prefer playing Resident Evil 5 purely because of the whole zombie type stuff, as you all know... I love zombies. Nom nom nom. The game play is excellent, yes there's a few bugs in it which I've picked up on but nothing big enough to spoil the game for anybody. I hate the fucking chainsaw guys, they take ages to kill. Grr! I love the weapons, although when firing the shotgun the controller could shake a bit more instead of a pathetic little vibration. Never the less, I'm giving Resident Evil 5 a 9/10 seal of zombie approval.
Killzone 2, well what to say other that OWND to all you X-Box gamers. It wipes the floor with the Halo series and Gears Of War games. The game play is breath taking, the AI is supreme, the on-line multi player is mesmerizing. The destroyable surroundings and the graphics with a 1080p TV are great. (Even though the game only supports 720P.) If you love shoot 'em ups you'll love this. The only downside is the shitty voice acting. Still, I'm giving it 10/10.
Street Fighter IV, a typical street fighter game, with the typical street fighter characters, with the typical street fighter backgrounds. Only in HD and with Trophies / Achievements. But yes, I'll admit.. I do secretly love this fighting game. It's the best on the PS3 so far. We'll see what Tekken 6 brings. But, c'mon.. Everyone loves the famous; HADOUKEN! from Ryu. On-line battles can be annoying when you meet the Elite gamers who spend hours and hours on it. There are some downsides for me, it is rather repetitive. Which is why I put it down for a while and played the other 2 games till I couldn't play no more. I must of spent around 40 hours on Killzone 2 within the week I bought it.
If any of you have a PS3 feel free to add me as a friend on there, just let me know in a message who you are. Just put the message title as SG so i know it's from here.
My PS3 on-line ID is A7X-Liam.
See you there.