Well then, I can't believe I'm saying this but... the past 2 weeks has been the best weeks I've had in my life. Katie's been a such a major influence on me in such a short space of time. I can't believe how lucky I am to have such an amazing girlfriend, who sees past all my flaws and is with me for being myself. I know I'm not the best looking guy in the world, or the wealthiest. I just don't see what I've done to deserve the most beautiful girl that I've ever set my eyes on. When I'm with her I can never take my eyes off her for more than 5 minutes.
With all my previous girlfriends I've normally been self concious, shy and very disclosed. With Katie... It's different. I can be 'myself' around her, I'm not shy at all and I find myself like a open book to her. I can be fully nude around her, walking around bollock naked and I don't feel like I'm on trial as a murderer. Nobody is staring at me or anything, it just feels perfect. I may of not of know her very long, but as each minute passes I find myself falling in love with her even more.
There's so many reasons I've fallen for her. Mainly the little things. The way she holds my hand as we're walking down the street, gently stroking my hand with her thumb. When she goes to kiss me, then she'll lick the end of my nose and gasp, her gleaming blue eyes staring back into mine then we both get the giggles. The way when we're cuddled up in bed, with her head laid down on my chest with her arm around me softly stroking my stomach. We've already got some inside jokes with comedian DVD's we've watched, and no matter how many times I mention the same jokes she'll get into a fit of giggles. When she smiles at me, she lights up the candle inside me that's been waiting to be set alight all these years.
Here's to 2009.
With all my previous girlfriends I've normally been self concious, shy and very disclosed. With Katie... It's different. I can be 'myself' around her, I'm not shy at all and I find myself like a open book to her. I can be fully nude around her, walking around bollock naked and I don't feel like I'm on trial as a murderer. Nobody is staring at me or anything, it just feels perfect. I may of not of know her very long, but as each minute passes I find myself falling in love with her even more.
There's so many reasons I've fallen for her. Mainly the little things. The way she holds my hand as we're walking down the street, gently stroking my hand with her thumb. When she goes to kiss me, then she'll lick the end of my nose and gasp, her gleaming blue eyes staring back into mine then we both get the giggles. The way when we're cuddled up in bed, with her head laid down on my chest with her arm around me softly stroking my stomach. We've already got some inside jokes with comedian DVD's we've watched, and no matter how many times I mention the same jokes she'll get into a fit of giggles. When she smiles at me, she lights up the candle inside me that's been waiting to be set alight all these years.
Here's to 2009.
