Another week is ahead of us.
Already, I'm exhausted. I should really stop talking till midnight every night and actually get an early night. I'm starving too, I could do with a nice sandwich for breakfast. Only one problem... The sandwiches I eat make me fat.
[Bacon/Sausage/Fried egg] Phwoar. What a sandwich.
Anyway, I know I've posted some of these before. But here's some examples of my photography. I hope you like them.
These are from the city where I live. Nothing exciting.
Already, I'm exhausted. I should really stop talking till midnight every night and actually get an early night. I'm starving too, I could do with a nice sandwich for breakfast. Only one problem... The sandwiches I eat make me fat.

Anyway, I know I've posted some of these before. But here's some examples of my photography. I hope you like them.
These are from the city where I live. Nothing exciting.
These are just random flowers I thought looked nice.
These are pictures I took on my trips to York. Some with a DSLR, and some with a 35mm Fisheye 2.
If there's anything that's worth getting fat for, that's it!

my friend lived off sandwidges for 2 years which had 3 types of meat, cheese slices with cream cheese spread instead of butter then microwaved into a big pile of sludgy goodness.. turned out he was lactos intolerant and it was giving him stupidly bad stomach cramps. lol