Living alone feels weird. I've spent 27 years having people around at all times. 27 years in the same bedroom, that's right, I've lived in the same room since my parents brought me home from the hospital. Now I bought a house. I 3 bedroom house just for me. I find myself talking to myself a lot. And I've lived alone for exactly 3 days....
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I'm just curious about other peoples opinion of the accuracy of this article.

Are you a nice guy who has always wondered why the cocky guy -- the one who barely appears interested in the girl -- is usually the one who gets the girl?
Have you suffered from hearing the words, "You're a really nice guy, but I only like you as a friend,"...
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I fear people, I wish i knew why. Not all people. I'm a service manager, I meet new people all the time in my work environment and it doesn't bother me at all. Classic example of whats wrong with me - A friend of mine wanted to get into roller derby. The state championships were going on and she'd already been talking to team members...
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So, a friend of mine says I need to learn how to do this whole blogging thing. I really don't get it. I can understand this for people who have interesting and eventful lives, with ever changing events and cool stuff to talk about. I have a life about as interesting as a potted plant. So, I will do my best to make my potted...
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fuckin' A darlin. way to go!
I apologize. feel free to peruse the pictures I have...
also, you did those things cause we were good friends and you actually cared. not just cause you were some guy who wanted to see me naked. you really are more like Angel than I ever knew.
thank you Brandon... that really means a lot.