Ok, I've been really delayed in posting this journal... and Beware_Marc has been bugging me to do it... so, with no further ado---
I have officially passed the FIRST in a series of steps to becoming a SuicideGirl! YAY! *bounce* *bounce* *bounce*
I submitted my app on Jan 29- around 10:30 pm- prior to my journal post saying so... and I received an acceptance email on Jan 30- less than a day later. So, I guess that means they like the pics I sent!

And now I have to get my first set together...(for approval)
I have a few ideas that I bounced off of some SG friends... but any input would be appreciated.
I think I have decided where to start... at least I called my photographer and set up my potential location. gotta get the ball rolling... keep tuned for further progress!
Wow.. an offer to kick ass for me and delightful wetness... two for two on my part.

yea, heres hoping that we will get to hang again sometime soon