Well, I finally joined SG.... nalar's only been bugging me to for the last several months. But, I'm glad I did! Maybe one of these days I'll get around to submitting a model photoset too.
But, I can be really picky with pictures of myself since photography is my profession... i'd rather be behind the camera. (hmmm, except when doing body shots or giving lap dances. it's no fun to miss the opportunity embarass or excite people).
Partied last night with my Underwater Hockey team, but aside from a little flip-cup and beer-pong, it was a pretty uneventful evening. Oh, yeah, I'm pissed cause we ordered pokey-stix and it took fucking 3 hours. by that time, I had already decended upon some taco bell, and when i returned the stix were GONE.... so sad, maybe next time.

Partied last night with my Underwater Hockey team, but aside from a little flip-cup and beer-pong, it was a pretty uneventful evening. Oh, yeah, I'm pissed cause we ordered pokey-stix and it took fucking 3 hours. by that time, I had already decended upon some taco bell, and when i returned the stix were GONE.... so sad, maybe next time.
yeah no probs you can go for a ride anytime

welcome to sg and thank u for ur kind words. I wish i could do the writing thing with my daughter but she's only 3 1/2 she will be four in march. so right now i'm confused at what to do. she knows that her daddy is gone and she understands that he's not comming back, but i'm not sure she fully understands. also i don't know how she is feeling or what she is thinking and it is frustrating as all hell. i tell her constantly that i love her and that even though daddy is gone he's still watching over her and he still loves her. i alsoo decided to take time off of school this semester so that i can work on this with her. i plan to get us signed up for counciling and see if that helps. but thank u very much for ur support.