Well, I was just inspired by a new friend to write about some things I've been trying to learn about. Perhaps some of you have seen "what the bleep do we know?" or read or heard of the book call "creative visualization". I love stuff like this, and I hope to learn more. I would love to learn about quantum physics too.
It's so neat... our emotions have more of an impact on our health then what we eat does. When we feel a certain emotion, there is a chemical amino acid (an emotion) released by the hypothalamus (which is in the very core of our brain, it also controls our temperature along with a million other vitally important things) and that amino acid docks on the receptor-cite of our cells. And when we bombard our cells with negative amino acids(negative emotions), the receptors on our cells begin to shrink up, loosing the ability to not only receive any other emotions, but also the ability to receive whatever nutrients goes into our bodies from food. Meaning... when you're depressed for long periods of time, with it usually also means being unhealthy. Because the nutrients we PUT in our bodies goes unused. Also form this comes... *drum rolls please* AGING! Technically speaking... if a person remained GENUINNLY happy, and never sent negative amino acids to their cells, they would... essentially, live forever. If there cells were able to receive nutrients at the same level as it once did in the beginning, aging would not occur. Meaning also, the happier you are throughout your lifetime will have a bigger impact on how long you will live then ANY other determining factor. Except of course becoming morbidly obese and dying of congestive heart failure or something, OR being hit by a bus. But you get the idea. Keep in mind also, that when you find yourself unhappy or depressed, it makes it extremely difficult for your body to heal itself . Did anyone ever hear about how a Dr. Emoto did a study on water molecules, and how sending them different emotions caused different molecular reactions?? When sent positive energy, such a love, kindness, or simply saying "thank you" to it caused the molecule to construct itself into a snowflake-like pattern, while negative energy such as "I hate you" or "I will kill you" caused it to shatter and become discolored. And if our bodies are 90some% water, imagine what our own thoughts and emotions are doing to us... we become tired, negligent of our responsibilities, we get headaches and numerous other health problems. And often times it when our guards are down in such a way that we allow bigger problems in, like cancers. But with all the chemicals we're around on a daily basis doesn't help either, the mercury (second most toxic metal on earth) in our teeth, aluminum zirconium in our deodorant, the fucking aerosol sprays we use in our homes, the poisonous fluoride in toothpaste we swallow on a daily basis, the lead, chlorine and MORE fluoride in our water we drink, the pesticides which contain arsenic that we spray on our lawns and then let our children play on or near, aluminum
Exposure (while working as an electrician for most of his life combined with the mercury in his teeth is what caused my uncle's MS...) and the list goes on. So, often times... while it may be ignorant, it is voluntary what we expose ourselves to regularly, and when we end up with some horrid disease, we wonder... "why me?".
My mom told me a story about a boy who lives near her who had been diagnosed with leukemia shortly after having mercury used as a filling... they started him on chemo, which his grandmother objected to due to the fact that she felt it was all due to the mercury. Of course the doctors disagreed, weather they knew or not, we'll never know... but they DO know they can be severely sued by making such an accusation, not to mention they're out money by NOT using the chemo) however, shortly after he was diagnosed and after his first few rounds of chemo, the grandmother secretly took the boy to have the mercury removed. He had the mercury out on a friday, went back the hospital on monday at which point the doctors found that ALL traces of the leukemia were gone. This scared the shit out of the doctors, and they were not to be proven wrong... they claimed that there was no possible way that simply having (one the most poisonous metals EVER) removed would be enough, so they decided to give him a HUGE session of chemo, and... it killed him.
There is a natural way to fix everything, even cancer. But the way this planet is run... is sick. It's "head cheese with money" that control almost every aspect of our lives. Like that fucking food pyramid... TOTALLY wrong... even the new one. Why?? Who has a lot of money, and control over the food industry?? The dairy industry of course!! (you can get more calcium from a couple leaves of romaine lettuce then you can a glass of milk) And WHO doesn't want to deal with them coming after them?? Why the government of course!! Just like how there are ways to cure all diseases, including cancer safely and naturally... but who doesn't sell drugs to cure things when theres nothing to cure?? The drug companies!! And who doesn't get paid by the drug companies to hand out the drugs when theres no diseases?? Doctors of course!! Did you know that doctors get bonuses for handing out prescriptions?? That MAY be why they're so quick to... because once they reach a certain number of prescriptions per year, the drug companies ACTUALLY send doctors on all expense paid vacations!!! No joke.
Join me again next time for another one of "Sitticus' raging rampages on society!" That took a looong time...
It's so neat... our emotions have more of an impact on our health then what we eat does. When we feel a certain emotion, there is a chemical amino acid (an emotion) released by the hypothalamus (which is in the very core of our brain, it also controls our temperature along with a million other vitally important things) and that amino acid docks on the receptor-cite of our cells. And when we bombard our cells with negative amino acids(negative emotions), the receptors on our cells begin to shrink up, loosing the ability to not only receive any other emotions, but also the ability to receive whatever nutrients goes into our bodies from food. Meaning... when you're depressed for long periods of time, with it usually also means being unhealthy. Because the nutrients we PUT in our bodies goes unused. Also form this comes... *drum rolls please* AGING! Technically speaking... if a person remained GENUINNLY happy, and never sent negative amino acids to their cells, they would... essentially, live forever. If there cells were able to receive nutrients at the same level as it once did in the beginning, aging would not occur. Meaning also, the happier you are throughout your lifetime will have a bigger impact on how long you will live then ANY other determining factor. Except of course becoming morbidly obese and dying of congestive heart failure or something, OR being hit by a bus. But you get the idea. Keep in mind also, that when you find yourself unhappy or depressed, it makes it extremely difficult for your body to heal itself . Did anyone ever hear about how a Dr. Emoto did a study on water molecules, and how sending them different emotions caused different molecular reactions?? When sent positive energy, such a love, kindness, or simply saying "thank you" to it caused the molecule to construct itself into a snowflake-like pattern, while negative energy such as "I hate you" or "I will kill you" caused it to shatter and become discolored. And if our bodies are 90some% water, imagine what our own thoughts and emotions are doing to us... we become tired, negligent of our responsibilities, we get headaches and numerous other health problems. And often times it when our guards are down in such a way that we allow bigger problems in, like cancers. But with all the chemicals we're around on a daily basis doesn't help either, the mercury (second most toxic metal on earth) in our teeth, aluminum zirconium in our deodorant, the fucking aerosol sprays we use in our homes, the poisonous fluoride in toothpaste we swallow on a daily basis, the lead, chlorine and MORE fluoride in our water we drink, the pesticides which contain arsenic that we spray on our lawns and then let our children play on or near, aluminum
Exposure (while working as an electrician for most of his life combined with the mercury in his teeth is what caused my uncle's MS...) and the list goes on. So, often times... while it may be ignorant, it is voluntary what we expose ourselves to regularly, and when we end up with some horrid disease, we wonder... "why me?".
My mom told me a story about a boy who lives near her who had been diagnosed with leukemia shortly after having mercury used as a filling... they started him on chemo, which his grandmother objected to due to the fact that she felt it was all due to the mercury. Of course the doctors disagreed, weather they knew or not, we'll never know... but they DO know they can be severely sued by making such an accusation, not to mention they're out money by NOT using the chemo) however, shortly after he was diagnosed and after his first few rounds of chemo, the grandmother secretly took the boy to have the mercury removed. He had the mercury out on a friday, went back the hospital on monday at which point the doctors found that ALL traces of the leukemia were gone. This scared the shit out of the doctors, and they were not to be proven wrong... they claimed that there was no possible way that simply having (one the most poisonous metals EVER) removed would be enough, so they decided to give him a HUGE session of chemo, and... it killed him.
There is a natural way to fix everything, even cancer. But the way this planet is run... is sick. It's "head cheese with money" that control almost every aspect of our lives. Like that fucking food pyramid... TOTALLY wrong... even the new one. Why?? Who has a lot of money, and control over the food industry?? The dairy industry of course!! (you can get more calcium from a couple leaves of romaine lettuce then you can a glass of milk) And WHO doesn't want to deal with them coming after them?? Why the government of course!! Just like how there are ways to cure all diseases, including cancer safely and naturally... but who doesn't sell drugs to cure things when theres nothing to cure?? The drug companies!! And who doesn't get paid by the drug companies to hand out the drugs when theres no diseases?? Doctors of course!! Did you know that doctors get bonuses for handing out prescriptions?? That MAY be why they're so quick to... because once they reach a certain number of prescriptions per year, the drug companies ACTUALLY send doctors on all expense paid vacations!!! No joke.
Join me again next time for another one of "Sitticus' raging rampages on society!" That took a looong time...

once again, interesting journal........